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Are the new Toxicant conversion kits classed as RIFs?


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Just ordered a Toxicant MCX direct from them and I am a bit confused as to whether it counts as a RIF when its missing an inner barrel?


Maybe someone who's ordered one can tell me if customs got real upset about it (I've asked Toxicant to put my UKARA on it just in case).

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If it looks like a duck.... Ect


Yes, it's probably classed as a Rif as it looks like one without a grip, but you've asked to have your Ukara added so you should be fine 🤷🏻‍♂️

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If it's only internal parts missing then I'd say yes. Internal parts are irrelevant as whether not something is a rif is purely based on appearance 

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Border Farce have been getting very touchy about anything remotely assault-toy related, even parts, so it's likely that you'll be required to complete an import declaration for it.

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I successfully received an AR receiver, an AR style  outer barrel with hand guard/flash hider fitted, a buffer tube, and a grip all in the same package from Hong Kong, but each item was separate - i.e, it wasn't assembled into a RIF. That one got through without UKARA on the outside of the package - but i was nervous! I'm not sure if the toxicant kit is sent assembled or not?

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Pretty sure I am going to have to fill in an import form because I just had to fill in one for some blue training MWS pmags, and a hop up rubber. Not that bothered by it as long as they don't seize it! Thanks for the input guys.

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On 13/03/2024 at 10:44, The_Lord_Poncho said:

I successfully received an AR receiver, an AR style  outer barrel with hand guard/flash hider fitted, a buffer tube, and a grip all in the same package from Hong Kong, but each item was separate - i.e, it wasn't assembled into a RIF. That one got through without UKARA on the outside of the package - but i was nervous! I'm not sure if the toxicant kit is sent assembled or not?


No they're sent through like ye olde challenge kits, somewhat assembly required.


However, given the cost, i'd probably just fill the form out regardless, as Border Force weenies are being dicks about a lot of things recently.

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I ordered two, they got in touch to ask for my UKARA number a week or so after I placed the order. They included it with their paperwork and it sailed through customs. Other experiences may vary, but no issues here!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Once it was dispatched from toxicant it took only a couple of days, customs wasn't an issue. That said one of the guide rods isn't straight - so looks like I've got a lemon.

Edited by Airsoftt
Corrected the pins
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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