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UK Airsoft Federation


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18 hours ago, Pseudotectonic said:

1. Represent and Promote - already tons of airsoft content on social media and youtube

2. Regulate and Enhance - sort of perpetuated by field owners (game rules and so on) and perhaps insurance
3. Organise and Facilitate - anyone can organise any event



I might argue that 3, leads to a shocking inconsistency of 2, and if you want kickingmustangs that's how you get kickingmustangs acting as 1.


A central body to publish a standard ruleset, meaning you can rock up on site and know exactly what the rules are, how they will be enforced and what to expect if they're broken (ie not just nothing as is so often the case) is badly needed.


A central body to provide training, on things like the dark and mysterious art of knowing what the numbers on a chronograph mean is needed, because that information being easily and freely available evidently isn't enough.


A central body to amplify, or denounce, the pr that puts our hobby in the spotlight as required. Do we really want non airsofters impressions of the sport being "airsoft cheetar destroyed by 500fps sniper shot to the balls [instant karma] [super painful] [he regretted it]" or "airsoft fights and flipouts compilation #2756". At best we get people showing up for their first gameday thinking that's an acceptable way to behave, at worst it gives the fun police all the ammo they could ever want.


We need to remember that for many people in the uk guns are bad, and unless you're a soldier, an actor or a videogame sprite you have no business even touching a gun shaped object let alone actually be allowed to roam free with one.


Of course it's pie in the sky thinking to some extent, but then i suppose it might be as alien as the early days of other sports where regulation didn't seem necessary.

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Sometimes it's better to keep going unnoticed and maintain the status quo.


Honestly don't want attention from the wrong people (politicians), who if they became aware would likely campaign to ban our already often misunderstood hobby.

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On 17/02/2024 at 20:43, Asomodai said:

 He has said multiple times that he want's UKAF to be Governing Body of Airsoft.

That right there is enough reason for me not to support this.


On 17/02/2024 at 19:22, Colin Allen said:

Having just read their charter and code of practice, it is clear that UKAF is intended to be a trade organisation

Yet the website clearly says


"Members will include Airsoft Sites, Retail, warehousing and players."


I can't think of any benefit from or reason why players would want to  join a trade organisation 

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1 minute ago, Cannonfodder said:

That right there is enough reason for me not to support this.


Yet the website clearly says


"Members will include Airsoft Sites, Retail, warehousing and players."


I can't think of any benefit from or reason why players would want to  join a trade organisation 

It would appear that they really have not thought it through.

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No they haven't. It looks to me like the only thinking done was how to become a big name in the hobby without the effort of setting up a goontube channel 

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Is having standards a good thing, yes


But the thing is, airsoft retailers and field owners are not a regulated profession by any stature, the best anyone can do is come up with something similar to an ISO 9001 so any business can voluntarily adopt it, so they get an excuse to display a mostly decorative badge on their website


You can't enforce it

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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