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Rif smoking


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So got an dmr thats wired to deans and has been running on 11.1 batteries. I don’t use deans so got the tamyia adapter to put my own 11.1 1200mAh/1450 30c and the batteries got red hot within seconds when connected. I also had smoke coming from the selector switch area. 
so I’m guessing my batteries to put high or got the adapter be the issue.

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I'm going to take a guess and say that you might have got an adapter wired up for RC cars, which will be reversed.

I've had them myself, but caught it beforehand luckily, and seen plenty of people caught out by this.


IIRC, the larger sized contact on the deans should go to the round contact on the mini Tamiya.

Can you post a photo to confirm?

Also, put the affected batteries outside somewhere safe!

I believe the correct protocol is to cut off the contacts (one wire at a time) and then put it in a bucket of saltwater, but others can confirm.

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33 minutes ago, Hudson said:

I'm going to take a guess and say that you might have got an adapter wired up for RC cars, which will be reversed.

I've had them myself, but caught it beforehand luckily, and seen plenty of people caught out by this.


IIRC, the larger sized contact on the deans should go to the round contact on the mini Tamiya.

Can you post a photo to confirm?

Also, put the affected batteries outside somewhere safe!

I believe the correct protocol is to cut off the contacts (one wire at a time) and then put it in a bucket of saltwater, but others can confirm.

Funnily enough the adapter is from an rc shop as couldn’t get one from any site. From what I can see the connection in the round tamyia tuck the damage

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2 hours ago, Earpy69 said:

Funnily enough the adapter is from an rc shop


Then it'll almost certainly be the wrong polarity for airsoft, for reasons that completely escape me.


There are some pictures here, and a suggestion on how to rewire the connector.



Fingers crossed that there's not too much damage, but magic smoke escaping from electronics is rarely a good sign.



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Just now, Earpy69 said:

So this would be the problem. Don’t think to image.thumb.png.d057fd96c8adafcc5a55488a62e21884.png

Yeah, that would be the problem.  You have the positive and negative reversed.

2 hours ago, Sewdhull said:

Yes it's the smoke that makes it work...let it out and it stops :)

So, if you put smoke back in it, will it start working again?

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1 hour ago, Sewdhull said:

Yes, it's really hard to get it back tho, so I normally get another one already filled with smoke

I was thinking of getting one of those smokers that beekeepers use.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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