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KSC Glock 19 spares


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Am looking to get back into airsoft after a hiatus of around 16 years, I have several GBB pistols that are working but need some TLC and spares, can anyone recommend anywhere that would still have stocks of spares for KSC Glock 19’s and KWA USP compact’s? Would also be interested in Spare/repair pistols that could become donors. 
kind regards,


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Many thanks for that, I have ordered parts from them before but couldn’t remember the name of the company, It seems like they have the parts I need, very reasonable,will be interesting to see how much tax gets whacked on it entering the UK though. 

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It’s very hit and miss over here, some things sail through customs with no issue yet some things get smashed with import duties.

All of my GBB’s were purchased before the VCRA act in 2007 and because I’m no longer a registered skirmisher at an official site I can’t purchase replacements without them being painted 2 tone, they still work well but I have had several issues with leaking mags and worn slides etc. 

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I've only ordered once from abroad, the package was opened at customs & I had a tan grip for my honey badger replaced by a scented candle. I sould have kept it for an Xmas present.

Edited by gavinkempsell
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  On 17/01/2024 at 16:30, Mattu64 said:

It’s very hit and miss over here, some things sail through customs with no issue yet some things get smashed with import duties.

All of my GBB’s were purchased before the VCRA act in 2007 and because I’m no longer a registered skirmisher at an official site I can’t purchase replacements without them being painted 2 tone, they still work well but I have had several issues with leaking mags and worn slides etc. 


I’ve read about your system with UKARA and two-tones. Why do you have that system and what do you think about it?


The only thing we have over here is an age limit of 18 to buy airsoft guns

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  On 17/01/2024 at 16:56, theSwede said:

I’ve read about your system with UKARA and two-tones. Why do you have that system and what do you think about it?


The only thing we have over here is an age limit of 18 to buy airsoft guns


Simply because some twats killed innocent people using real firearms & the UK government took action to prevent it happening again. It's in no way an attack on you or any other countries with different laws, I'm sure most of us would like to have less restrictions but if it prevents more deaths by twat I'm happy to live within our laws.

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And in no way am I offended by your laws or take it as an attack. I was just curious.

Although I’m happy to not have it the american way with orange tips.


It wasn’t too long ago you needed a licence to own most gasguns over here.

Now the limit is at 10j for semi and 3j for automatic.

But we have a problem with firearms violence here, and kids with airsoftguns pose a problem for the police since its hard to tell the difference from real guns.

A system like UKARA might help.

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  On 17/01/2024 at 16:56, theSwede said:

I’ve read about your system with UKARA and two-tones. Why do you have that system and what do you think about it?


The only thing we have over here is an age limit of 18 to buy airsoft guns


As gavinkempsell has pointed out, we had plethora of "death by gun" incidents, some were illegal firearms, but some were, & sometimes still are, legally held guns, so the laws became more restrictive. 


As airsofters we came under scrutiny because at the time anyone over 18 could buy a realistic imitation firearm (rif), & so scumbags did & used them for criminal acts, this created a lot of problems, not least because at the time armed officers comprised less than 5% of the police, spread thin on the ground, a situation made worse when they were then tied up with crimes involving non lethal replicas that were easily obtained, & sometimes crimes involving genuine firearms were difficult to get suitable personnel in attendance. 

& don't get me started on the complications if an officer shoots someone, months of paperwork & suspension of duties even if its a real gun, but even worse if it's a teen (etc) with a replica. 

So the vcra came in to try to reduce the availability of replicas, doesn't do anything to prevent the use of real firearms, & most airsofters think it's very unfair on us. 

But the truth is we were very lucky not to lose Airsoft completely, or all to be forced to two-tone everything. 

So when noobs come on trying to circumnavigate vcra/ukara, understandably some of us get the hump, because everytime the law is broken it has the potential to wreck the fragile status quo we exist within. 

  On 17/01/2024 at 17:49, gavinkempsell said:

Simply because some twats killed innocent people using real firearms & the UK government took action to prevent it happening again. It's in no way an attack on you or any other countries with different laws, I'm sure most of us would like to have less restrictions but if it prevents more deaths by twat I'm happy to live within our laws.


Yes & no, see above

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  On 17/01/2024 at 16:56, theSwede said:

I’ve read about your system with UKARA and two-tones. Why do you have that system and what do you think about it?


The only thing we have over here is an age limit of 18 to buy airsoft guns


It started out as a reaction to several high profile firearms incidents, it then developed into a series of very disproportionate restrictions that don’t really make sense. I could go into an airsoft store and be told I cannot purchase a realistic imitation Glock 17 airsoft RIF with a power of 1 joule without a valid defence, yet I can go into the gun store next door and purchase a CO2 powered Glock 17 blowback .177 metal pellet firing air pistol with a power of around 3-4 ft/lbs as long as I’m 18 or over. 

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Thanks for your answers guys! As Tackle pointed out we should be happy that airsoft’s not banned all together in either of our countries.


Do you think your lawenforcement and politicians are happy with the UKARA system? 

And how does it work in reality when buying for instance on the wanted ads on here?


Sorry for all the questions and crappy english but I’m really interested in hearing how things work for different airsoft scenes.

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I think law enforcement is fine with the ukara system, it allows those who have a good reason to have airsoft etc to buy have them. Buying second hand ignores the ukara system and may well become problematic in time.

Politicians will champion a cause and currently there isn't one, but the legislation they produce is often out of step with the real world.


There is weirdness when they are air weapons, even if they look just like known firearms. But air rifles look like guns, as do air pistols and always have.


Banning airsoft isn't likely, we allow people to have all sorts of real firearms so banning the toys end of the market doesn't seem possible.

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  On 17/01/2024 at 21:37, Sewdhull said:

Banning airsoft isn't likely, we allow people to have all sorts of real firearms so banning the toys end of the market doesn't seem possible.



There's an article in the news from a day or two ago that claims 'converted' guns are now more likely to be involved in firearms incidents than real ones. 

At the moment they're just talking about blank-firers.  According to an ex-con they can be made to fire a real cartridge in 20-30 minutes of work. I felt a tiny pang of fear about GBBs considering how so many parts are real-steel compatible. 

I have no experience of blanks so don't know how differently they're constructed.


Here's one article, it was picked up by a number of media sites...


BBC News - Converted handguns fired more than 'real' weapons in UK crimes


Edited by RostokMcSpoons
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Blank firers have an extractor, firing pin etc.

The barrel is cosmetic and or the casting is filled with steel bbs to prevent drilling the barrel out. The caliber is usually wrong and the barrel and receiver may not line up. 9mm blanks I think are an exception to the caliber thing.

They are made of zinc castings, like Airsoft and equally poor quality.

I'm sure you could clear the barrel etc 


Gbb aren't convertible.



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I think the conversion problem mainly relates to blank firing pistols.

As Sewdhull said, most of the operational components are already present.

They'd have to chop the barrel, drill out the breech (probably thread it) and replace it all with a steel sleeve and barrel part.

It wouldn't last as long as a real firearm since the low quality body metal would probably deform or crack over time.


With a GBBR they'd have to do all that AND make a steel bolt with extractor, firing pin AND alter the trigger assembly to hit the firing pin.

Even with all those changes the poor quality metal body would likely break the first time it fires.

Yes, some AK's supposedly use real steel bodies but the gas tube and block are not. Nor is the gas piston or bolt which would also have to incorporate a firing pin etc...

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The pressures experienced in a real firearm breach and barrel are immense, so the components of a real steel firearm are built to over compensate, the construction of a blank firing pistol even if steel would not be sufficient to handle the pressures and kinetic forces exerted during firing a live round, even the slide would probably become a lethal rearward projectile, I remember seeing footage of the original Beretta 92 range tests where a topslide failed during firing injuring the shooter. 

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