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Hello, I'm back (after a decade away!)

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Hello - for anyone who is old enough to remember me - I used to help run/play at Airsoft KGB down in Cornwall, as well as the occasional away day to Stirling or Sopley. You may remember me as the muppet called Blondie. I packed it all in around the time of the VCRA bill as it was no longer fun to be involved with (the owners of the neighbouring site - thankfully no longer in existence 0 calling the police to stir up trouble was just the tip of the iceberg) and I had just started a horrific period in my personal life which left me with PTSD.


Anywaaaaaay that is all behind me now thankfully. I've had a rough few years health wise including almost dieing from sepsis (which has left me with some brain damage - not then anyone who knew me back them will notice) after developing ulcerative colitis but after discovering bouldering back in October last year my fitness has started to finally improve to the extent where after much nagging from my wife I pootled over to our nearest site. I wanted to see whether I could either scratch the itch which was airsoft and work out if I wanted to do it again. You can probably guess how that went!


These days I go under the moniker of Fraggle (I've been told I resemble one on PCP when "in the zone".)


I cannot believe the change in kit/popularity which has happened while I've been gone - wow! So much has improved in terms of the sheer variety and quality of what you can get in the UK. Gone are the days of importing stuff from WGC in Hong Kong. Being able to actually get what I want here, from my local site is pretty mindblowing. Being able to pick up BFG's so easily now is a lovely surprise - they used to be like rocking horse poo!


Thankfully there's a wealth of information out there so you certainly want get any "WOT AM BEST GUN" or "WOT AM EXPLOD LIPO?" posts from me - although I have a few questions (not answered by search - I checked!) and looking forward to catching up on what's going on.





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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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On 12/01/2024 at 14:22, Archer said:

Ex KGB ? had the pleasure of meeting Dom and the crew at Sopley in 2003 ( or therebouts)


Welcome back :)


That was quite the weekend. Enduring memories of cable tieing someone to a loo for some reason. Happy days!


On 12/01/2024 at 14:55, heroshark said:

Old school. What was your Arnie's handle?


Aye. Blondie was me on there.

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Respect to the veterans of the game ✌ and welcome back.

Yes, I would guess the toys have become much more diverse, cheaper and more reliable in general.  Along with the battery improvements...


(I remember going to an army surplus shop in Haymarket near Piccadilly where they sold the L&S plastic gun kits.  Never got one tho)

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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