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Trade help No.2 (Serious!!!)

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what do you mean ? Never read your last thread.

Well, I traded my KSC USP compact with this guy in wales for his desert Eagle. I week after the trade he mesages me saying is was a: "C*NT", He managed to break the trigger on the USP and he wants ME to pay for it AND his desert eagle back! The pistol was delivered working and I have many people who can vouch for me.

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If he doesn't live near you ignore what he states. If you are afraid for your safety, call the cops. He can't do anything to you, if he did, God he wouldnt stand a chance when the Police come. Talk to him on the phone and try to clear it up. Worst case sceario, offer to pay half, but always try and avoid doing that.

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If he doesn't live near you ignore what he states. If you are afraid for your safety, call the cops. He can't do anything to you, if he did, God he wouldnt stand a chance when the Police come. Talk to him on the phone and try to clear it up. Worst case sceario, offer to pay half, but always try and avoid doing that.


1) I will not pay for his mistake

2) I do not have his phone number

3) If he does arrive I will be contacting the Police.

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It sounds like a civil matter, your word against his and you will more than likely be made to hand over his gun and take your gun back. Thats what will happen in the end.


But he broke the gun himself! I have many freinds and even Marksman who will back me up in that it was working!

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It doesnt matter really. Its like the ebay and paypal scenario. Someone buys something from ebay working, they get it, destroy it, send it back for a full refund and the seller is stuck the a broken item. Thats how it works.


You should have gave him a receipt "sold as seen" and got him to test the gun and sign it. Thats what to do when your dealing with second hand products.

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It doesnt matter really. Its like the ebay and paypal scenario. Someone buys something from ebay working, they get it, destroy it, send it back for a full refund and the seller is stuck the a broken item. Thats how it works.


You should have gave him a receipt "sold as seen" and got him to test the gun and sign it. Thats what to do when your dealing with second hand products.

Well, He sent me leaky mags with it. oh and the offical $100 holster was covered in glue and broken :/

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If there is some sort of conflict and the Police turn up, they will probably arrest you both if there have been physcial contact. Then they will tell you both to take it to a civil court dispute.


He said its not working anymore and your saying he sent you leaky mags and the holster covered in glue. Anyone with any kind of power will just state you should swap back.

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If there is some sort of conflict and the Police turn up, they will probably arrest you both if there have been physcial contact. Then they will tell you both to take it to a civil court dispute.


He said its not working anymore and your saying he sent you leaky mags and the holster covered in glue. Anyone with any kind of power will just state you should swap back.


The thing is sonic, the money I gave him with the gun is more than enough to pay for the replacement or for a techy to look at it.

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I would assume you are under 18, the legality isn't actually on your head here, he sold you the gun essentially if uyou gave him cash.


If you have the forum thread, leave a link here and copy it all into a word document ASAP.


If he lives in wales and you live in southampton, there isn't any real danger of him 'coming to get you' just make sure you don't delete the FB threat/text message, so if things DO go sour, you have that evidence there.


also, how did he break teh trigger? has he said anything specifically or sent pictures?

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I would assume you are under 18, the legality isn't actually on your head here, he sold you the gun essentially if uyou gave him cash.


If you have the forum thread, leave a link here and copy it all into a word document ASAP.


If he lives in wales and you live in southampton, there isn't any real danger of him 'coming to get you' just make sure you don't delete the FB threat/text message, so if things DO go sour, you have that evidence there.


also, how did he break teh trigger? has he said anything specifically or sent pictures?

What do you meen by that?

Also he seems to be quite polite now?

Here is the message:

Hi cam, just wondering if you will be in this weekend? I may be up your part of the world this week or next, and thought I could pop down so we could sort this out? All the best-RCS


Also he said he was going to take pictures but didn't, apparently he was 'just pulling the trigger' I had a talk with the CS tech and he said he proably was trying to pull it with its saftey one, It makes no sence how he could break a trigger that was hardly used?

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  • AF-UK Founding Member

It is illegal to buy under the age of 18 or to sell to an under 18.. That includes a gun plus cash etc. Since you've broken that you don't really have anything to stand on so you will just have to accept whatever happens. This also means accepting that you've messed up by entering a deal in the first place. Now it's been said you're under 18, I don't expect to see you buying on the forum either.


I'm not closing the topic as no one is hating on you - we're just telling you how it is and trying to help you out by explaining what your situation is.

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Sorry guys for all this,

I really screwed up this time. I hope the guy dosn't take this any further.

I feel that I have caused alot of trouble for other people and if you feel the need to remove me then that is ok, I know now that I have done wrong and will not make the same mistakes again. I hope that the next time I post will be on better grounds and not subject to law and rule breaking. And while I think this has ruined my reputation, I have gained more than I have lost. Thanks for being a great fourm and freinds.


See you on the battlefield,



CSW New junior Markman.

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If he does actually turn up (which i very much doubt) just stand your ground and explain the situation, if he decides to get the police involved tell them he touched you in the naughty place :lol: <--- dont actually do this

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