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Best m4 for £300


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Going to assume you are asking about AEGs. 

I faced a similar dilemma, weighing up a £190 Double Eagle M906C against more expensive options as I had extra money ‘spare’.


In the end I went with the Double Eagle as the more expensive options didn’t seem to offer a great deal over it. 

From my digging, if you wanted to spend the full £300 then the Specna Edge 2.0 series offers the most comprehensive set of features in a range of styles to suit your tastes. They had terrible QC in the early days but anecdotal evidence suggests this is now largely resolved bar some minor fit and finish quibbles.

Negative Airsoft on YouTube doesn’t do reviews as such, but he does in depth tear downs and dislikes almost everything to some extent. I found his videos useful to get an unvarnished insight on potential purchases.



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Are there any particular guns you're interested in? If so post some links and we can say if they're any good or worth the price. As you posted there's many go choose from so asking 10 different people could easily get you 10 different answers.  Also is your £300 budget for just the gun or will it need to cover extra bits like magazines and batteries?

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I would suggest specna arms edge series as well. 

They can be picked up below your budget which will allow for a few extras.

Keep an eye on the classifieds section 👍


Good luck 

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4 hours ago, Gunboat Diplomat said:

They had terrible QC in the early days


Some Specnas had great QC, then they had terrible QC, then they had OK QC.


That's the problem with recommending just about anything in airsoft: OEM changes, rebrandings and bait-and-switches mean that you can never be sure that what was true yesterday will be true tomorrow.


But, yes, Double Eagle M9XX, or Specna Arms Edge 2.0 are both fine at the moment.  There is no "best" airsoft gun, since even if you assume perfect functionality and compare feature-by-feature, there's no objective value on any of those features. Whatever puts a smile on your face is the best gun.


Personally, I wouldn't buy an M4 without a quick change spring system, and at that price point, I'd want a fire control system - which both the DE and Edge 2.0 have.


Have a look through those ranges, find a few that appeal to you visually, then ask for specific advice either for or against.

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Go for the one you like the look of.  As above, Specna and  DoubleEagle are both recommended, just avoid Nuprol.

Check the body material if that's important to you. Some are polymer and some are metal. Not much structural difference between them but the weight is different if that's something you care about.


Following from what Roger said above, first thing to do when you receive your new toy is CLEAN THE BARREL.  A strip of cloth with Isopropyl alcohol  or window cleaner attached to the cleaning rod.

Then the fun bit, thoroughly test it by shooting a good couple of hundred BBs through it to make sure it works properly within the 14 day returns window.


Then go and have fun with it at a game site 😀

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8 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

Are there any particular guns you're interested in? If so post some links and we can say if they're any good or worth the price. As you posted there's many go choose from so asking 10 different people could easily get you 10 different answers.  Also is your £300 budget for just the gun or will it need to cover extra bits like magazines and batteries?

I have put the links on the post mate 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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