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Gate Warfet in A&K M249??


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2 hours ago, Reiss_collins91 said:

Anyone fitted one in theirs? Looking for feedback and advice. thanks


I've only used a plug in Kong Power Burst Fet in mine. Why specifically the Warfet? I don't see any real benefits to having a programmable 'fet in an LMG.

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7 minutes ago, Lozart said:


I've only used a plug in Kong Power Burst Fet in mine. Why specifically the Warfet? I don't see any real benefits to having a programmable 'fet in an LMG.

id be hardwiring it into the microswitch to reduce the stress on it so i dont burn it out again. and for battery protection

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18 minutes ago, Reiss_collins91 said:

id be hardwiring it into the microswitch to reduce the stress on it so i dont burn it out again. and for battery protection


in that case, for lmg type use (ie a lot of auto) then the extra features of the warfet like burst fire/precocking are irrelevant, so you might as well buy a cheaper unit that just does what you need.


unless ofc you maybe want to set it up to hot swap to other guns where, with a bit of reprogramming, you'd be able to benefit from the additional functionality, or you don't care about cost then yes, a warfet will do what you want.

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10 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


in that case, for lmg type use (ie a lot of auto) then the extra features of the warfet like burst fire/precocking are irrelevant, so you might as well buy a cheaper unit that just does what you need.


unless ofc you maybe want to set it up to hot swap to other guns where, with a bit of reprogramming, you'd be able to benefit from the additional functionality, or you don't care about cost then yes, a warfet will do what you want.

know of anothe thatll to what i want from it without the extra features? although the idea of swapping it into my m4 without a mosfet isnt a bad idea when im not usinf the M249

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9 minutes ago, Reiss_collins91 said:

know of anothe thatll to what i want from it without the extra features? although the idea of swapping it into my m4 without a mosfet isnt a bad idea when im not usinf the M249


usually i tend to go with the nanoasr, however that doesn't feature battery protection. something i've got away with by monitoring and being pro-active about my battery changes on the day.


the nanohard does feature battery protection, although probably there's other brands with similar specs for cheaper.


swapping might be an idea, the warfet's precocking system is essentially a timer that runs the motor a little longer after the contact is severed, in semi auto this means when tuned right it'll stop a fixed amount after the cutoff lever trips (the pre-cocked position), in auto it means the gun runs a tad after you release the trigger (stopping wherever in the cycle that happens to be no different to a non-mosfet gun in auto).


which is a long way of saying you wouldn't strictly need to reprogram it when using it in the m249.

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24 minutes ago, Reiss_collins91 said:

know of anothe thatll to what i want from it without the extra features? although the idea of swapping it into my m4 without a mosfet isnt a bad idea when im not usinf the M249


If you stay with Gate, the Nano ASR will work well for what you want. https://gatee.eu/products/aeg-mosfets/nanoasr


As the Gate products share common connectors you can fit the same wiring to your M4 and swap it over easily, or even upgrade to a Warfet in your M4 without having to rewire it.

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A cheap (£18 on Patrolbase) NanoASR will protect the battery contacts, but doesn't have LiPo protection.


The NanoHARD is a bit more expensive (£35 on patrolbase), but has a couple extra features and has battery protection.


Both have debounce for microswitch triggers. 


A WarFET is a bit of a waste in a full-auto LMG.


*edit - d'oh! was typing at the same time as Herr Hamster and Lozart above*

Edited by Speedbird_666
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  • Jedi_Master changed the title to Gate Warfet in A&K M249??

I've had the Nano Hard in a CA M249. It's very easy to do, just solder the trigger wires to the switch (in blue below) and plug them in to the mosfet. Set of wires go to the battery, set to the motor and you can split off the ones to the motor so you can drive the box mag when you fire. Mosfet has room to sit on top of the gearbox as long as you're careful when you close it up. Also gives you the option to swap out for a different gate mosfet if you prefer (other than the NANO asr because it's not wired the same)



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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