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Yet another gun recommendation thread!… Specna Arms Edge?


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Evening all


Done two skirmishes and thoroughly enjoyed it after upgrading from rental goggles and I could see!

Seen and read many great pinned posts and some of the YouTube beginner vids.

Like many others I’ve already started looking at what to spend some pennies on, I’ve been leaning towards the Specna Arms Edge 2 series particularly the MK18 variant because of the upgrade options.

My concern is QC seems to be abit hit and miss but then equally so do other brands, are there other recommendations? Or what about buying used that’s been checked over, or even a cheaper variant and have them upgraded and sorted professionally?


Thanks in advance

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I've got a Specna Edge v1 so can't comment on the v2 but I've been very happy with its performance and it hasn't had any problems (so far)

As you say, even expensive toys can develop unexpected problems so I would say get what you want and test thoroughly in the time allowed for returns.


Other options that are good value/performance in my experience are JG and CYMA.  (Because I like to vary play style and actually collect more than play, I tend to buy many budget toys that perform adequately rather than one expensive one that may or may not perform better)



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Agreed, the Edge 1 I bought last year has been fine, and the Gate Aster in the Edge 2 represents pretty decent value for money.  There's not a lot in there that screams to be swapped out.


I'd be interested to see if you get one with a flat hop and nub.  Either way, the Maple Leaf macaron and Omega nub combo is the only thing I'd do out of the box.  If you're gagging to spend money, a ZCI or AOLS barrel probably won't be any worse than the original.

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  On 14/06/2022 at 21:00, Whytey said:

Thanks both I’ve seen a few on the classified that look very interesting I can’t contact sellers which I assume is a limitation on being a new user?



Yes, we are rather plagued with spambots and "pay by full in please Western Union and my very most reliable courier shall deliver" types, so there's a minimum amount of interaction needed before you can scam or get scammed. ;) 

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  On 15/06/2022 at 07:06, Rogerborg said:


Yes, we are rather plagued with spambots and "pay by full in please Western Union and my very most reliable courier shall deliver" types, so there's a minimum amount of interaction needed before you can scam or get scammed. ;) 


Understood and completely make sense do you know what the requirements are before classifieds can be utilised? Thanks :)

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Good things come to those who wait 👍





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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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