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PHAHA Just BB guns!!

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like Airsoft world, they have a RiF version of the HFC Spring L85A1 :P

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so you dont want free guns to whack the stock around your mates head? your sure? im sure your friend would make sure your sure, but if i your sure then, im not too sure and i think jbbg would sure make a crap sponsor, but it would be fun! :P

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again, JBBG's little electric pistols are wonderful to use.


No, not in the "it's better than your £190 AEP Glock 18" way, more the "Oh my god you little barstool, I can't believe you just shot me with that thing" way.


They have a market. We have our own. Providing the two don't cross (apart from those moments when we don't take ourselves seriously and just mess around), I am perfectly happy with JBBG exisiting (apart from the 9 year olds trying to buy stuff, for obvious legal reasons)

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I think we should all troll the f*** out of their facebook page by adding pictures of our actual airsoft guns instead of their hideous two toners.

I love the rage comments I get when I say about how none of them are airsoft skirmishers and they give airsoft a bad name. It's a laugh.



Also, I laugh so hard at their entire sight and all it's grammatical errors.

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  • AF-UK Founding Member
Also, I laugh so hard at their entire sight and all it's grammatical errors.


I really do hope that was intentional. Unfortunately I can't rule it out what with some of the spelling and grammar on here :lol:

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So what were the original opinions of these guns?

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