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S&T Lee-Enfield has landed !


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A few initial thoughts on the S&T no. 4 after owning it for a week or so, albeit not yet using it in anger.


Finish - pretty good. Wood tone isn't too 'cherry red', although there are a few blemishes where the finish hasn't been applied too well. I wish they had bothered to get the saw dust out of the grooves in the top piece as well, before immortalising the dust by being forever set within the applied varnish. Rearmost wooden top piece does move about a bit. Metal work is nice.


Action - adequate, but not great. Mine chronos at 400fps on a 0.2, and the bolt is significantly harder to work than my 2.3j L96. I understand that this is usually down to a poor spring that is distorted out of the box - and can be rectified with the addition of a TM L96 spring. The rear of the bolt was also wobbly upon receipt - I needed to remove the fake cocking piece, then access an allen head bolt hidden inside the back of the bolt in order to tighten it up. The cocking piece doesn't reliably cock back on every cycle of the bolt - if the rear of the bolt is lifted as it is returned forward.


Accuracy - actually, not bad. Very consistent at circa 50m with 0.32s. The only problem is, it is shooting low and left - and there appears to be no way of adjusting either the front or rear sight on the no.4.


Plans for it - Jaeger Precision spring guide and piston on its way to me. I'll pop a thrust bearing on the back of the spring guide, and team with a L96 m150 spring. The spring guide, bearing, and better spring should sort the bolt pull out, and with the heavier piston, I should be able to propel heavier BBs better. I'll swap a Maple Leaf Autobot bucking in, and I'm currently investigating the best barrel to pop in there - internet wisdom seems to be that the very small cylinder volume (6cm of piston travel) means that you need to go shorter than the 570mm stock inner barrel - I'm thinking of a 400mm male leaf VSR cut barrel (which I might then need to internally shim to get it shooting straight in the absence of adjustable sights!). At some point, I will inevitably sand the wood down, re-stain (light oak might be nice), and oil - but given how good it looks to me at the moment, that's not high on the list.


Not having owned a VSR - am I right in thinking that for this (loosely) VSR compatible platform, I need to specifically seek out a VSR cut replacement barrel rather than any GBB cut barrel?

Edited by The_Lord_Poncho
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On 03/02/2025 at 07:52, The_Lord_Poncho said:

Well,the S&T no.4 had it's first skirmish yesterday. I'd already swapped the barrel to a slightly shorter and better quality one than the stock brass coloured aluminium (!) barrel it comes with, popped in a silicon Maple Leaf Deception, and upgraded the spring with a heavily cut down L96 M150. Oh, and swapped out the loading plate with a filed to shape alloy L96 AWS plate to stop the original plate retaining c-clip pinging off every 10th shot. It was running at circa 1.3 joules after that, with a decent long range and impressive accuracy. I had an excellent game with it- the paltry six or so 'kills' I had with it each being incredibly satisfying. I would have given myself a high five after each one if that wouldn't have been just too weird (and my screaming biceps had any remaining energy to give). Many admiring comments from the sea of AR users!

Are you just running standard gear with it or are you going all out with battledress and '37 pattern webbing? 

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1 hour ago, NiallT said:

Are you just running standard gear with it or are you going all out with battledress and '37 pattern webbing? 

I went for a compromise! Olive green combats in a modern ACU style cut, battle belt with olive mag pouches and Colt 1911 riding on it. Tempted by a No.4 yourself?

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On 21/02/2025 at 14:37, The_Lord_Poncho said:

I went for a compromise! Olive green combats in a modern ACU style cut, battle belt with olive mag pouches and Colt 1911 riding on it. Tempted by a No.4 yourself?

A Second World War British infantry kit is definitely on my radar. I'm split between the S&T and the Ares, particularly as Ares do the No. 4 (T) scoped variant. 

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2 hours ago, NiallT said:

A Second World War British infantry kit is definitely on my radar. I'm split between the S&T and the Ares, particularly as Ares do the No. 4 (T) scoped variant. 

I think either would be a good option. The S&T is cheaper, but seems to require a bit of time and money to get it up to standard (but not much of either).


I'm looking into the feasibility of tapping the S&T receiver to take the Vector Optics scope mount, which should get me a half passible No.4T (as long as you don't look too hard at the location of the scope turrets!) for not much money...

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