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F2000 .. black or tan?


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Simple really, I'm buying one but which is the better colour choice???



I do intend to paint it ... eventually... and although the base colour would probably be closer to the tan colour, to get the full Battlefield4 "Havoc" paint-job


I'd have to get the black plastic foregrip to match the rest of the gun, so it'd almost certainly all need painting.  (Note: I think the off-white base colour is a little bold for me, so I'd probably go with some sort of khaki or tan, and also the red might go a little browner)


But until the paint job gets done the black option feels like the obvious, easy, safe choice.  I'm not sure if the tan will make the plastic seams etc too obvious, and whether in the normal lighting it'll to be too light. 

But I'm being not obvious and not safe with this gun, so should I go for the tan option anyway?

Whaddya reckon?  I reserve the right to ignore the majority advice :D

Edited by RostokMcSpoons
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personally i preferr the tan, and the g&g version i had the colour was leaning more towards dark earth.


tbh anyone looking at the gun to judge it usually stops at the piscine resemblance and never gets far enough to worry about the colour.


if the end game is to go for that paint job probably better to go black, as that'll match closer to the blacks on the camo scheme than the tan will to any of the other colours.

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Well I haven't given much chance for anyone else to chip in, because I realised it's getting late and if I order it now there's a tiny chance it'll arrive tomorrow.  So ... sod it.   I went with the black.

After all, no-one ever got fired for buying a black gun (to borrow heavily from the 'no-one ever got fired for buying IBM' saying that got bandied around in IT circles 30+ years ago)
And yeah, as you suggested Adolf, it'll be easier to match paint across the whole gun when it all starts off the same colour

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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