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Yeah, good to have.


I have about 4 makarov loading nozzles, and thats not including the ones in the gun.....


In my defence i figured better grab em while they were around.

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aye man always good having spares :)


whys that bud thought makorovs were quite popular


i just cant beleive after all that it was the fecking chrono!! if wasnt for my step son wanting to see what his can do id never of checked!!! although did accidently shoot myself in the toe haha fecking hurt like a **** lol proper tear to the eye moment haha

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You know what, I actually thought about that earlier but I thought:


A: You’ve run an M4 through the same chrono

B: 100m/s is 330fps, so likely a bit high for green gas


Who’d have known!

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1 hour ago, miserydrift said:

whys that bud thought makorovs were quite popular


ahh so my secret propaganda campaign is working then....... :P


tbh i've owned more makarovs than i've seen in the wild, and i've owned 3.....


the WE version is a nice little gat, and i have a thing about small handguns.


i wonder if the rarity is due to 007 fanboys picking them up thinking they're ppk's :P


2 minutes ago, Alimcd said:

You know what, I actually thought about that earlier


oh aye, you say that now.....


3 minutes ago, Alimcd said:

100m/s is 330fps, so likely a bit high for green gas


yeah, it's a big higher than i'm used to seeing from pistols, but hovering around the 1j mark is pretty respectable for a handgun.

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it was shooting 315 on ultrair according to patrol bases test before sending out to previous owner


31 minutes ago, Alimcd said:

You know what, I actually thought about that earlier but I thought:


A: You’ve run an M4 through the same chrono


what would running a m4 through it cause?


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the offending pistol lol not bad for 60  i will admit to removing the paint but i was only in my defense i was only trying to remove the blue over the trades then got carried away and forgot to stop 😕 she was then given a couple of coats of matt black on the slide to cover the last of the blue that i couldnt remove,2 extra mags were ordered from bespoke the same day i bought the pistol so with the pistols and mags and autobot bucking im a grand total of 110 in +15 in parts that were not needed so writing em off haha,but im happy and thats all that matters  onto the next *project* haha



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47 minutes ago, miserydrift said:

what would running a m4 through it cause?


he means that because you were getting proper readings when working on your m4 that the chrono was setup for fps.


needless to say we all got fooled with that one......


tbh for a pistol you can deal with anything 0.5j and over.

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ahhh got ya nah was when i seen step sons reading so low was when i questioned wtf is going on and looked properly and saw my mistake lol `first thing i did was load the pistol and try bout jumped for joy then sheepishly put the pistol away and let u guys know lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so from day one ive always had the issue of it pissing a bit more gas out than it should on the blow back in my opinion. and then found out it not being able to shoot a full 30rounds out a mag i was putting down to just temps etc couldnt sleep so decided to tear it down clean relube checked the rocket valve spring and low and behold the spring was weak as s**t when i tested before i musta tested the new nozzle twice and not the old one haha slapped the new nozzle and rocket valve in and holy crap she is alot more snapier and hardly any gas expelled!

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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