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Just joined the forum after a long time lurking. Started playing airsoft at the start of last year before all the lock down :(.

Looking forward to getting back out there when we can as I am spending too much money browsing the internet instead.



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Hi @Piman! πŸ‘‹

Welcome to the forum, consider yourself fortunate in a way, you got to play, whilst others haven’t! πŸ€”

We can’t wait to get back into it, likewise just watch your πŸ’· for your gear! πŸ”«πŸ€ͺπŸ‘


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Hi @Piman

Come on in the water is luverly.

You have found the best stretch of the beach. Plenty of things to amuse you.πŸ‘

Oo there is a guy on here who has a splendid tube channel which is worth looking at.I think he is called @GAMBLE.have a πŸ‘€



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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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Welcome to the forum, probably the most friendly I've come across, so dont need lurk on any other sites now :D

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