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brand new to airsoft but not shooting, I own various airguns and have my FAC and SGC.


im not sure I’ll go the whole skirmish route but I’m interested to know if there are any practical airsoft shooting  places near me (Oxfordshire) I don’t mind travelling but obviously not to the other end of the country.


can be rifle or pistol, ideally rifle though to compliment my 22lr kriss defiance.


any advice most welcome 



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Hi @Jasongtr


Everywhere is closed at the moment unfortunately.  I’m kinda similar, have my UKARA and SGC, was working on my FAC until everything closed down.


I’m in SE Essex, and the there are four places within an hours drive of me, all currently closed. No idea about Oxfordshire, but I would ask around airsoft sites, there are bound to be some nearer you.


Or come over to Essex when this all blows over. Feel free to drop me a PM if you need any more info



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21 minutes ago, Jasongtr said:

Thanks for that, yeah I know the places would be shut my local range where I shoot my Rimfires is closed too, so the sites local to you do practical airsoft stuff then?

Yep. One is a club without a permanent base, two are CQB arenas, one is an add on to a large woodland site.

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46 minutes ago, rocketdogbert said:

Yep. One is a club without a permanent base, two are CQB arenas, one is an add on to a large woodland site.


46 minutes ago, rocketdogbert said:

Yep. One is a club without a permanent base, two are CQB arenas, one is an add on to a large woodland site.

Good to know there are practical airsoft sites around then, I wasn’t sure whether places offered it



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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).

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Helloo and hi.

Welcome to the group



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 20/01/2021 at 10:41, Jasongtr said:


Good to know there are practical airsoft sites around then, I wasn’t sure whether places offered it



Welcome to the forum. 

It might depend on what you mean by 'practical' airsoft? If you mean IPSC/UKPSA practical then you need IPSC Action Air. 

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On 01/03/2021 at 17:52, 38super said:

Welcome to the forum. 

It might depend on what you mean by 'practical' airsoft? If you mean IPSC/UKPSA practical then you need IPSC Action Air. 

Yes that’s exactly what I mean, an airsoft version of what they do with mini rifle



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1 hour ago, Jasongtr said:

Yes that’s exactly what I mean, an airsoft version of what they do with mini rifle



IPSC only officially recognises Action Air handgun as a discipline but some Action Air clubs do run 2 or 3 gun style shoots. If you search facebook for 'UKPSA Action Air' you'll find the people who do practical target shooting using airsoft guns. I'm not aware of any clubs that specifically run airsoft mini-rifle but I can't think of any reason it can't be done.

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On 04/03/2021 at 11:43, 38super said:

IPSC only officially recognises Action Air handgun as a discipline but some Action Air clubs do run 2 or 3 gun style shoots. If you search facebook for 'UKPSA Action Air' you'll find the people who do practical target shooting using airsoft guns. I'm not aware of any clubs that specifically run airsoft mini-rifle but I can't think of any reason it can't be done.

Thanks, think I bought my GHK rifle on a whim, had it a little while now and used it twice, time will tell if I use it

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