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Battlegroup 21, 11-14.8.2021, the Biggest International Airsoft Event in Finland

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The Biggest finnish airsoft event, Battlegroup 21, will be held once again in Padasjoki, Finland 11.-14.8.2021

Battlegroup 2021 is a four days long airsoft event combining milsim and larp elements. The event will be held in Padasjoki in the areas of the Finnish defence forces, the municipality of Padasjoki and the city of Hämeenlinna. Combined, the event area offers a large and extensive road network. Also the combined area enables the use of various vehicles such as wheeled and boats. Follow our Facebook-page to find out more. The duration of the event is from Wednesday to Saturday. More detailed information about the game area, the factions and the story will be published later in main site but before that you can check our teaser site: http://tstos21.ehasa.org/?lang=en

Foreign players and the language of the event

Once again we warmly welcome our foreign visitors. To support the participation of foreigners, the language of the event is English. Part of the gamearea is used by Finnish defence forces and therefore foreign players must have registered 2 weeks before the start of the event. We will check identities upon registration.



If the event has to be canceled due to the Covid-pandemic, we will refund the price of the game fee. A handling fee of 5 € will be deducted from the game fee because of the workload caused by payment refunds.




EMAIL: [email protected]



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I would be so up for this 100%


The 5 euro handling fee is a little cheeky but I wont go this year anyway but like Adolf says maybe 2022

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It certainly appeals to me but I think I might get into a ruckass with the Finnish defence force for no other reason than I would imagine they would be right in love with themselves and spraying attitude  around like a farmer sprays shit! And probably with good cause but it would just wind me up.lol



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16 minutes ago, Shamal said:

It certainly appeals to me but I think I might get into a ruckass with the Finnish defence force for no other reason than I would imagine they would be right in love with themselves and spraying attitude  around like a farmer sprays shit! And probably with good cause but it would just wind me up.lol




i think it's just on finnish training grounds rather than a training exercise.


i'd be more worried about getting lynched for showing up in digiflora :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

The 5€ refund fee is based on the fact that every incoming/outgoing bank transfer costs us. Refunding will also be done by hand which takes time / effort.


The gamearea is indeed used by the Defense Forces, but it is mainly used for vehicle training, meaning there is no activity there at the time of the event.


The camouflages are not limited and in the previous years we have seen many patterns used by many countries 😉


We have been organising large airsoft events in Finland from 2010 so I can assure you that us promising to return the money (-5€ handling fee) in case of covid/other "force maejure" is not in any way shady. We do not aim to make the same mistakes that were made by our neighboring event in Sweden. Our goal is to be transparent and to serve the commynity. Ehasa ry is not company but volunteer association so we serve our event to our fellow players which many know us as their friends even outside of airsoft.

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  • 1 month later...

Website for the biggest and longest international airsoft event in Finland has been released. Go check new story, new factions and new rules at: http://tstos21.ehasa.org/


Registration opens at 28.2. 12.00 (GMT +2)


While waiting, you can check our event trailer:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Battlegroup 21 event registration is open now (and +180 now already registered) at the new Kuulaportti version: http://beta.kuulaportti.fi/


The new Kuulaportti demands you to make a new user. Vehicle registration opens later. All faction player names expect UN are "secret" so people won't choose their faction only based on old "groups" from previous games.


If you have any problems, take a picture of it and send it at [email protected]

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