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Non Working/Parts

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Just wondered where the law stands with purchasing parts of rifles that are regarded as non working etc?


I love tinkering and can see me wanting to get heavily into tech. As I don’t currently have a UKARA as just starting would I still be able to buy boneyard parts/for repairs items. Not complete weapons as I assume they would still be classed as a rif. I mean just individual gearboxes etc just so I can strip down and tinker? 



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34 minutes ago, strykerles said:

I'm not totally clued up on it but I believe parts are ok


if you make an RIF from them is when it gets illegal but I may be wrong

Yea that’s what I’m thinking. Thank you. Wouldn’t go building a RIF until I have my UKARA anyway which hopefully won’t be too long! 

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afaik there is a "manufacture" clause in the vrca.


it's a tricky one when it comes to the likes of secondhand sales if you're trying to figure out what you should be asking a defence for.


the easy test is "will joe bloggs look at it and think gun" (or the man on the clapham omnibus argument as rogerborg puts it), which is why it still applies to guns that aren't technically based on a real gun (for example the aps uar)


internal parts should be fine, gearboxes etc.

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You can buy any internal or external parts without the need to provide a defence. As Adolf Hamster mentioned thought, there is an issue around the manufacturing of a RIF. If you buy a bunch of parts with the intention of assembling a RIF then you risk issues, but if you’re intending to get into teching for people, upgrading your own or others RIF’ s then you have a defence there and it shouldn’t be a problem.

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1 hour ago, Super64 said:

You can buy any internal or external parts without the need to provide a defence. As Adolf Hamster mentioned thought, there is an issue around the manufacturing of a RIF. If you buy a bunch of parts with the intention of assembling a RIF then you risk issues, but if you’re intending to get into teching for people, upgrading your own or others RIF’ s then you have a defence there and it shouldn’t be a problem.

I guess it's a bit like buying all the parts, new or secondhand,

And building your own car but would it be legal for use on public roads or only on private land.


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