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I can see you stated you're open to offers but you're unlikely to get anywhere near £320 for an ARP9. More like £130 - 150 posted with the drum mag.


The "Yakuza" AEP would have been worth £50 - 60 but CYMA have since released a line of AEP's which also come with a lipo and mosfet. So maybe £30 - 40 now.


You might get £30 for the case if someone can collect because it'd be a pain to post.

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5 hours ago, Skara said:

Definitely Macks material right there lol.


I'm guessing that he's asking £320 for the lot including the AEP.  But still... no. Just no.


@Cooper, we're not being unnecessarily mean, but any offers you get are likely to be far, far lower than you're asking.


You're also likely to be asked if you'll split and sell separately. Have a think about PayPal fees and postage costs before you're asked about those as well.


ARP-9s are fairly well regarded (which means that you might get a buyer at the right price, not that they hold near-retail value), but AEPs aren't that popular, and anyone buying one will be wanting a proper bargain.


The prices you're up against aren't those from (e.g.) PatrolBase, but from gunfire.com and taiwangun.com


Best of luck.

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19 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


I'm guessing that he's asking £320 for the lot including the AEP.


That's what I figured but on the surface it looks like an ARP9 ad. But yeah someone would want it at an absolute steal to take the whole bundle.


Oh and yes, we're just pointing it out to help you get it sold. You are of course free to ask whatever you like but will likely be waiting a long time. 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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