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Specna G36 Can't Full Auto

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Hey all,

recently bought my first AEG and I chose the specna G36c, really happy with it except for the fact the full auto doesn’t work properly.


it can empty an entire mag if I fire it all at once but if I stop firing the gearbox jams and it won’t fire until I swap it to semi and back again, I don’t need to fire it on semi, just as long as I flip the select to semi and back to auto.


im pretty sure this is a weird gearbox problem but if anyone had any advice it would be really appreciated.


im also curious if anyone knows a way to disable the EBB, it’s a fun gimmick but it’s actually a bit shit and I’m done with it.

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Specna are usually good.  I would recommend returning it to be honest.


If you want to get into the mechanics and tinkering you could open it up to check the cause of the auto problem and disable the EBB at the same time.

A fix might be simple BUT if you open it up and can't fix it then you're stuck with it...

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My Specna Arms G36 does the same sometimes. I just flick to semi and back. Mine tends not to jam if I use my full auto to burst instead of savage someone with a face of bbs😂

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Could be a problem with the microswitch on the trigger. But I've not actually had hands on time with one before.


If it's fairly new, get it back to the shop and see what they say.

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Could be the cutoff lever (or its spring).


Also for the love of God don't use LiPos on a microswitch that hasn't been hard wired to a mosfet. They give great trigger response but they are very very sensitive..


For the EBB look for weird parts on top of the gearbox, something that connects the piston to the charging handle.

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If the EBB is anything like other V3 EBB guns I've had (Umarex ARX-160) - it should be very easy to disable (under 5min).


At the back of the gearbox, just above the quick change spring, you should see a brass coloured spacer. Remove the screw holding said spacer and pull the spacer out. The blowback trolley/linkage should just slide out. Re-fit the spacer and it's screw. Reassemble gun, and you've now disabled the blowback. You can reinstate it any time, for example should you wish the sell the gun on.


I borrowed this screenshot from a video of the Specna G36:





I very nearly bought a Specna G36 when they were on sale for £80 on Gunfire a few months back, but the micro switch (among other things) put me off and ended up with an AK. I would get a MOSFET that is specifically advertised as micro switch compatible, because they have a 'de-bounce' function in them -  for example the Gate X-ASR and Gate NanoASR are listed as compatible. Micro Switches create a lot of electrical noise which can kill some MOSFETS units. 




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