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Good Sites

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Hi there.

so ive done airsoft for a long time but only really in southern england. This year (hopefully with whats going on) me and a few or my mates are planning on going to snowdonia and the lake distract as we have many times before, but this time wanted to see if there are any good airsoft sites in the area that are worth checking out. ik theres not alot as there are nationala parks but willing to travel a little bit. could also visit a site if its on the way back down from lake district to Brighton in the south which will roughly take us down the M6 and M40.

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Bravo one run a good cqb based site in the middle of Birmingham.

Anzio, first and only, isnjuatboutside of leek, really good mix of out and indoor, not to hard to get to from the m6.


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Does Bravo One still have that limit of 330fps though?  I went once, couldn't play at all as everything was over their limit.  :( (This was almost 2 years ago)

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There was a thread a long time ago, about sites worth travelling for.


Sites do come and go though so probably about time we had a new one. I have always said I would like to do a airsoft jolly or two and travel for some really unique sites if I knew of any.

A couple I would like to try, would be:

One of the jails, UCAP I believe run them

Portsmouth Tunnels

Courthouse in Bristol


Thats it I am afraid, I might be a good idea to try to collate a list of unique sites (everyday woodland ones need not apply).

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 28/07/2020 at 16:51, Albiscuit said:

There was a thread a long time ago, about sites worth travelling for.


Sites do come and go though so probably about time we had a new one. I have always said I would like to do a airsoft jolly or two and travel for some really unique sites if I knew of any.

A couple I would like to try, would be:

One of the jails, UCAP I believe run them

Portsmouth Tunnels

Courthouse in Bristol


Thats it I am afraid, I might be a good idea to try to collate a list of unique sites (everyday woodland ones need not apply).

We do the tunnels on a regular basis and also Kingston prison Portsmouth although that is on hold for moment. We still have Dorchester and Gloucester prison though.

I've been to bravo one /the grange Birmingham  couple of times. Think site fps must be 350  none of my gats would have got through at 330.


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