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do I Need a UKARA to Buy Second Hand Rifs

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Depends on the scruples of the seller

i bought my first RIF just after my first time playing, I bought it used , I didn’t have my Ukara at the time, so would have had a bit of explaining to do if for some stupid reason the Po-Po came to my door, but the seller wanted some proof that I wasn’t a chav , fortunately I had been playing paintball for 20+ years , so had a presence on that scene that he was able to check out 

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I bought my first Airsoft gun when I had played my required games but hadn't received my UKARA number. I was absolutely desperate to get my hands on one and bought it secondhand off this very Forum. The guy was giving up and didn't even mention my UKARA number but I had taken a copy of my completed and signed form just in case.


The UKARA number is, as the full name states the UK Airsoft RETAILERS Association, and is intended for retailers and Sites. There are a large number of private sellers that will insist on you having a valid UKARA number but it is not a legal requirement. It is so they can cover themselves. Some private seller don't ask or may even take something else as proof that you will be actually playing Airsoft with it as appose to running round some housing estate scaring the crap out of everyone.


Speak to the seller and see if they will take another form of proof that you are an actual Airsoft player (such as posting on this forum)


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In a word, yes.


Responsibility lies with the seller to check whether the person buying the RIF has a defence under the VCRA, ie UKARA, Film Production, ect. It doesn't matter whether that seller is a retailer or private seller. The law is the law and if you are caught, it's serious. 


If you didn't need a defence to buy used RIFs, then the sale of Two Tone guns would dry up rapidly. 



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yes and no


you need a defence which in our case is being a regular airsoft player. the ukara system is the most commonly used way of demonstrating this as it's a verifiable method that a seller who doesn't know the buyer to check that they've met the requirements to be a regular airsofter.


some sellers might be convinced by different means, for example knowing you personally as a regular player at a site they frequent, but that responsibility is on them and given how easy it is to for example fake a presence on the internet (eg nobody on here can prove i own any of the airsoft guns in my sig) it's understandable that the ukara system is so commonly insisted upon. end of the day it's not worth the risk of getting in hot water for the sake of a few hundred quid selling a toy gun.

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A private seller could still be looking at a £1000 - £2500 fine.

So you don't need UKARA membership, but any seller should be looking at your status to ensure they do not have to face charges as it is the seller who is liable under the VCRA.



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