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Ssp1 gas?

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So im about to order the novritsch ssp1 with a gas magazine for my first pistol, but i don't know what gas to use in it nuprol 2.0, 3.0, or 4.0 when the weather in my country, estonia is 20-25 celcius in the summer and near 0 in the winter.

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Do yourself a favor and buy a TM.


Not because of Novritsch or anything, but the plastic slide helps a lot in dealing with the cold.


Regarding the gas: run 4.0 in winter and 2.0 in summer.

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  On 04/03/2020 at 16:05, Skara said:

Do yourself a favor and buy a TM.


Not because of Novritsch being a total cnut, or anything, but the plastic slide helps a lot in dealing with the cold.


Regarding the gas: run 4.0 in winter and 2.0 in summer.


Fixed that for you 😜


& Yeah, buy the TM, you'll never ever regret it 👍

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In answer to your question, Nuprol 3.0 or 4.0 in winter and 2.0 in Summer.....but yes, you can't really beat a stock TM GBBP for all round performance. Yes the slide is plastic but that's one of the main reasons they're superior (as well as high QC and legendary hop rubbers). However if the plastic is a dealbreaker and you'd rather a pot metal paperweight that craps out in anything below 25C, don't get a TM. 

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I just want something good that lasts a while for my first pistol and the ssp1 seems better because of the metal parts but i have no clue if it's true but it seems pretty good if i consider that i don't need to upgrade it.



I also watched tm glock 18c but what i realized it is not gonna work wery well with green gas when you don't upgrade it

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Metal doesn't mean strong.


Look at MK23s, they're all plastic yet some are a decade old.


Having metal moving parts (slide) means more gas needed to cycle the whole thing, which then leads to said system cooling down faster which in turn leads to shit efficiency.

I'm talking running out of gas before bbs.

With TM guns this doesn't happen because the system's mass is much lower (piece of plastic instead of a chunk of metal) so the gas required is much less as well, cooldown happens in a much longer time and at worst you get to fire the full mag before running out of juice.

The downside is that you need lower pressure gas to not destroy the gun (1.0 in summer, 2.0 in winter), but it's not really a downside as those gases I believe are cheaper than say 3.0/4.0/black gas.


Plus if you slap a maple leaf rubber and i-key in a TM you get even more range and consistency.

I'm sorry but TM got the whole GBB thing pretty spot on.

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TM, again.

Although when it comes to glocks, WE seems to be decent too.

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  On 04/03/2020 at 21:39, Rups said:

So every pistol just buy the tm?


Pretty much yep, if nothing else get a stock TM, even a s/h one, keep it that way & never sell it, & even if you buy all sorts of fancy pistols in the future, you'll know you've got your "old faithful" to fall back on when the others let you down .

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And the tm g18c...

I really like the glock design and idea you can just spray the whole mag lol. Again ive heard the tm is the best glock but its like 150€ with delivery 170 and ive heard if you use green gas it doesn't last over 6 months

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Tm gbb pistols are EXCELLENT! only drawback is the slide can crack after a while when using green gas, saying that there are people in my club who have run there 5.1 on green gas for over a year and its still going strong, I wasn't so lucky though and my 5.1 slide cracked after a month.


I have now upgraded it with lightweight metal slide weighing 66 grams, tight bore barrel and a metal threaded outer barrel so I can run my tracer unit on it as its my main weapon in cqb, its pin point accurate and any misses are down to me not the pistol.


There is NO performance difference between the standard 5.1 and the gold match, I would personally advise saving some cash and getting the standard, the tm glocks are also very very good, a couple of guys in my club run them and absolutely LOVE them, im more a hi capa fan myself though :) 


You should also look at the umerex glock 17 if you like glocks, its officially licenced and also amazing quality that will last a long time, think they are a bit more pricey than the tm, well they are here in the uk, they have the benefit of having a metal slide also, I LOVE tm pistols but if I was going glock

I would get the umerex myself 


Also I have a novritsch ssp1 on its way to me as we speak, I thought I would risk buying one as a back up pistol, hopefully I get a good one as I hear the qc is a bit crappy, I will let you know what its like when it arrives, a couple of people at my club have one and love it, they never had a problem with theres although problems do exsist with them

you just have to keep your fingers crossed you get a decent one, It wont replace my tm hi capa for cqb but (hopefully) it will make a half decent back up pistol.

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What part of "get a TM" is not clear enough?


Save some money and buy something that is a bit more than an expensive paperweight.


Or buy that nuprol shit, but then don't come in here crying because it is shit, can't finish a mag and doesn't have spares available. :P

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  On 05/03/2020 at 10:56, Skara said:

What part of "get a TM" is not clear enough?


Save some money and buy something that is a bit more than an expensive paperweight.


Or buy that nuprol shit, but then don't come in here crying because it is shit, can't finish a mag and doesn't have spares available. :P


Just i don't want to spend so much money on my first pistol.

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  On 05/03/2020 at 11:06, Rups said:

Just i don't want to spend so much money on my first pistol.


Then look in the s/h classifieds, such as we have on here, you'll save a bit, but that might be negated by the cost of shipping to Estonia ?.

there are other brands that can be trusted, my first pistol was a ksc glock 19, came with a metal slide as standard & ive used it on & off as a backup or loaner for nearly twenty years, it's never missed a beat.

also had a couple of kjw pistols, again they did what was asked of them, still have one actually, so you do have options, just stay away from anything nuprol, & if you look at WE, the only models I understand to relied be upon are their glock series.

incidentally, if the temperatures in Estonia are going to be an issue, then don't get a g18c, or any other pistol with full auto capability, they'll only vent/dump the gas as soon as you try to burst fire in cold temperatures.


you should maybe consider co2 pistols, non blow backs too, such as a mk23, for where you are ?

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  On 05/03/2020 at 11:06, Rups said:

Just i don't want to spend so much money on my first pistol.




£135 is not expensive.

At all.


The SSP-1 retails at £117 ish. £18 cheaper than a TM but as you already know the quality control is shit with Nov's products (by the way it's just a rebranded KJW hi-capa with a fancy name on it) so you might end up with a lemon and Nov's customer support isn't known for being particularly good.

Imo it's not worth. You can buy one later once you learn a bit of teching.



£50 cheaper but it's light years away from TM quality, you're going to spend much more than £50 in supposed "upgrades" just to make it run as smooth as a stock TM. Even more if you hand it to a tech.

If you can't tech it's a complete nightmare to upgrade a GBB, as it's not just swapping a hop rubber like one does in an AEG.

Completely and utterly NOT worth it.



If you get bored and sell the gun, TM stuff generally holds value pretty well (you can ask £100ish depending on condition), Nov's not so much (£60/80), and Nuprol is definitely getting resold for £30 tops.


There are 5 people contributing to this thread including you.

4/4 of the remaining recommended a TM.

I still don't get what's wrong with it.

Did some cheap fuck tell you TM is evil?

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Skara's right, from your average new retailer your looking at around £30ish between what is the worse or below average quality pistol, & what is generally recognised as the best brand of stock pistols, that's barely more than the cost of a spare magazine, but would be the difference between a poorly functioning money pit & a bit of kit that in years to come you'll look back on & go all misty eyed lol 😍 .


Don't be a tightarse, just do it 



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TM Glock 19's are £115 from Firesupport atm:




Absolutely fantastic pistol. I've owned loads (including every make of Glock) and it's actually my favourite GBB. My WE G19 was only £20 cheaper and would perform terribly in all but the hottest weather.

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But im not sure cuz ive heared if you use green gas in maruis they break fast as fuck

And then there is the question glock vs hi capa.

I like glock design and the full auto option on the 18c but as i understand hi capa 5.1 is more range and more accurate.


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@Rups - So use lower powered gas when it's hot. I have a TM G18C and the full auto mode is pretty pointless. It throws the accuracy off completely and at most sites it's considered bad etiquette to full-auto people up close. Also using full-auto a lot on any gun will increase the chances of it breaking.


You seem obsessed with range and accuracy. Are you intending to shoot at people from 50-60M away with your pistol? At that distance either get a lot closer or use your primary. What you should be looking for is a sidearm which cycles reliably...for which you can't beat a TM.

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hi capa over the over Glock 26, 17, 18, 19 is newer design might be better but i personally couldn't say. i personal rate the TM HK45.

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  On 05/03/2020 at 13:10, Rups said:

But im not sure cuz ive heared if you use green gas in maruis they break fast as fuck

And then there is the question glock vs hi capa.

I like glock design and the full auto option on the 18c but as i understand hi capa 5.1 is more range and more accurate.



Been using pure plumbers propane (GG) for 10 years in my 4.3 TM hi-capa, no problems at all & still completely stock, & just as accurate as the 5.1   .

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