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1911 refurb

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About 75% through a co2 1911 refurb. Started off with literally a box of parts and a donor gun. Lucky RWA and Umarex parts are compatible. Slide is nearly resprayed, Frame has been totally disassembled and cleaned, some fresh parts used. 


Today I actually began to see the start of what looks like a 1911 again! 






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Oh, hello! I looooooove 1911's! 😍


I'm planning on blowing some disposable cash, and far too much time, on turning an Army R28 into something OTT. RDS, torch, laser, tracer, bonkers custom paintjob, upgraded internals, etc etc. For no reason(s) other than A) My own amusement and B) The absolute horrror and outrage I'll get when people see it. 😂

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7 hours ago, Ashy said:

Oh, hello! I looooooove 1911's! 😍


I'm planning on blowing some disposable cash, and far too much time, on turning an Army R28 into something OTT. RDS, torch, laser, tracer, bonkers custom paintjob, upgraded internals, etc etc. For no reason(s) other than A) My own amusement and B) The absolute horrror and outrage I'll get when people see it. 😂


Go big or go home. Why not. 

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8 hours ago, Ashy said:

Oh, hello! I looooooove 1911's! 😍


I'm planning on blowing some disposable cash, and far too much time, on turning an Army R28 into something OTT. RDS, torch, laser, tracer, bonkers custom paintjob, upgraded internals, etc etc. For no reason(s) other than A) My own amusement and B) The absolute horrror and outrage I'll get when people see it. 😂


Nice plan.  FWIW, my AA R17 works just fine, and with just a Maple Leaf rubber is surprisingly consistent.  It looks like the hop patch is on the piss, but it shoots straight.  Weird, but no complaints, especially at the price.

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1 hour ago, E21A said:

If you want some nice real wood grips there are loads for £20-30 on Etsy 


Ahh, I'd not thought of a grip swap, was just going to paint them! Good thinking 👍

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Right then, Phase the First of "Ridiculously excessive 1911" has happened. RDS, torch & laser, extended mag. 


You say ridiculous, I say hilariously brilliant. Tracer unit and internal mods still to come, along with deciding how to paint it. Or polish it, for that matter.


Take a deep breath before you scroll down, you'll need it for the laughter. 😂





































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5 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

Lovely!  By which I mean hideous! By which I mean lovely!


Could be golder though.


That was very much the reaction of a couple of mates I've shown it to, as well! 


Cannot make my mind up on a paintjob, though. There are so many great custom ones out there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Ashy it hurts my eyes but I cannot look away! Very much with @Rogerborg on this it produces mixed feelings. 

@Macv276 is that an extended barrel or the camera angle? 

I am slowly falling for the 1911 style. Didn't like the 'beaver tail' until I held one, any new(ish) player that is looking at buying any gun....


You must hold these weapons! Any weapon you have ever thought of not buying hold that as well!



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