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Airsoft Noobie

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Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing well.


Me and my misses have recently gotten into airsoft and we are both completely hooked! We have been playing for the past few months and we are about to apply for the defence license. 


I’m sure you’ve been asked a million times but could someone please recommend a good starting rifle ? I’m willing to spend up to £200 (: I plan on upgrading in the future, however I need something decent to use for the meantime. 


Cheers in advance 

- Ryan 

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  On 26/07/2019 at 00:59, StrategyGeek said:

the defence license


I’m sure you’ve been asked a million times but could someone please recommend a good starting rifle ?





We usually suggest a G&G CM16 Raider.


However, the Specna Arms EDGE range makes a strong argument for itself: https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-assault-rifles-all?*brand=302 (and look for the EDGE guns)

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Thanks Rogerborg 🙂 


Like I said, I’m new to airsoft and I don’t really know much about the mechanics of the guns etc - so with this CM16, I’m not going to get outranged by all other weapons am I? I play at a site which is a mixture between CQB and open woods therefore I could do with something that can reach a fair distance. Obviously I’m not expecting the perfect weapon for only a couple hundred, I would just like to know what I’m getting is able to do the job for now.


Cheers in advance and sorry for having to school me haha. 



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Welcome :)


The search tool, has a 3 charachter minimum length, will help you find previous topics with a bit of effort to search and read through any results.

Have a read of all the pinned (sticky) topics in each section, lots of useful advice for new players. Start here:


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  On 26/07/2019 at 07:10, StrategyGeek said:

Thanks Rogerborg 🙂 


Like I said, I’m new to airsoft and I don’t really know much about the mechanics of the guns etc - so with this CM16, I’m not going to get outranged by all other weapons am I? I play at a site which is a mixture between CQB and open woods therefore I could do with something that can reach a fair distance. Obviously I’m not expecting the perfect weapon for only a couple hundred, I would just like to know what I’m getting is able to do the job for now.


Cheers in advance and sorry for having to school me haha. 




Most guns shoot the same range out the box starting from the cm16 and anything that costs more (usually)  


My friend just got his first gun and went for a specna arms edge other than magazine compatibility being an unknown (not sure what to buy for spares) hes not had any issues with it and the last gun he used was my evo so a good price difference between them. 

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Sheesh, good result getting your wife into it too, mine is just rolling her eyes and asking far too many questions about what that last delivery cost!

Plus one for the Specna Edge, I have one and am impressed with it so far. If you’re anything like me just starting out the vast majority of the hits you take will be down to daft tactical decisions rather than being outranged by someone with a 1000 quid rifle. 

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I would like to point out of few common complaints about specna edge series.


The dust cover and some hardware isn't painted black but if you view the photos online on the stores you can clearly see this before you buy it.  The dust cover also flaps open when it feels like it  and doesn't always close when you try. These annoy some people but for the price I don't think they matter as they have no real effect on how the gun performs. 


I did see a chap complain he couldn't put an aftermarket rail on his but they sell so many rail options to begin with just get one you like. I personally hate the look of front sight posts so wouldn't get one of those but I know others equally love that look so just get one you like the size/ look of be it keymod or sopmod. 

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Hey guys! Me and the misses have done a bit of looking around and I think we’ve decided to get the Specna SA-E14 Edge 🙂 what do you guys think? Is it a decent starting weapon or should I stay away from it ? Just looking for some input. 


Cheers in advance. 

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  On 28/07/2019 at 19:38, StrategyGeek said:

Specna SA-E14 Edge



Sure, go for it if that's the one that floats your boat.  Just be aware that extra barrel length doesn't mean extra accuracy in airsoft.


Also, the Specnas offer good value if you go for one of the cheaper ones (and can find it in stock).  Once you start nudging towards or above £200, any extra performance over a £130 G&G becomes more questionable, and it opens up more options.

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I don’t quite get what you mean mate? Are you saying that it’s about the equivalent as the £130 G&G? It’s just I genuinely like the look of the gun however I have seen a few specna weapons that I like - I keep swaying between a few.


Once again cheers for the input guys, I really appreciate it 🙂 

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Guest Yukarin
  On 29/07/2019 at 21:47, StrategyGeek said:

I don’t quite get what you mean mate? Are you saying that it’s about the equivalent as the £130 G&G? It’s just I genuinely like the look of the gun however I have seen a few specna weapons that I like - I keep swaying between a few.


Once again cheers for the input guys, I really appreciate it 🙂 


I believe he is saying there are diminishing returns to the performance of a gun the more money you spend on it.

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  On 30/07/2019 at 10:00, UKCYukarin said:

I believe he is saying there are diminishing returns to the performance of a gun the more money you spend on it.



That, really.  Stock G&G Raiders perform surprisingly consistently.  The Specna is metal, has a MOSFET, a tighter barrel and some other gubbins, but in terms of slinging plastic downrange, it's likely to be maybe 10% better (if that), not 50%.


But if you have the budget, it's a decent enough choice.

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Hey guys, I’ve been looking with the misses ALL evening and I think I’m starting to sway towards the SPECNA ARMS SA-E09 EDGE CARBINE.  Any big problems I should know about ? I understand it’s around £40 more than the G&G but I don’t mind paying the slight extra for a weapon I would prefer 🙂 



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If it comes with a battery and charger as part of the bundle they are likely to be pants. The edge series are already wired for deans and have a mosfet fitted, get yourself an 11.1 two cell crane lipo with a deans connector and a good charger, iMax B6 or similar. A 1450 mAh will last you all day.

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  On 31/07/2019 at 05:38, Stevo4345 said:

11.1 two cell crane lipo



11.1V would be three cell.  Otherwise, I agree, no point in cheaping out on batteries or a burn-your-house-down charger.


The SA-E09 will be fine.  They're all going to be the same internally, just pick the one that gives you a tingle. I think that £40 is a reasonable premium for the extra gubbins inside the Specna - you'd spend more than that on the G&G to get it up to the same spec.

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Yeah I really like the SA-E09, plus all the little extras are a nice touch 🙂 Cheers guys I really appreciate the advice - I better get my shopping list wrote up haha!


I will I’ll be sure to let you guys know when it’s all picked up! I’m sure I will have a million more questions about attachments etc. 



- Ryan 

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Hey guys!! I hope you are all doing well - had a chance to try out a few weapons at game day on Sunday. I got to try the CM16, the specna SA-E09 and a G&G ARP9 - I gotta say I love the ARP, it’s just so compact and hits some good range for such a small weapon.  I’ve been considering getting one of those instead ? Any reason why I should stay away from it ? I know about the generic problems like the small battery compartment etc 🙂 



- Ryan 

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Nah, go for it.  Barrel length just isn't that important in airsoft.


And small batteries aren't really an issue, just buy more and swap them over at lunch.  http://www.hobbyking.com  rovides cheap lipos with a handy interface that lets you select maximum dimensions.

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