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A while ago i bought a WE-Tech MSK GBBR and to sum it up...I wasn't disappointed (as i paid for a project gun) but more aggravating than i initially thought. The gun looks amazing, the blow-back feels great but the reliability and function really needs some tweaking. Where does everyone else stand on WE's GBBRs? I know I could save up and spend out on something more reliable like the TM MWS but this gun cost about £100 and was enough to entertain me for the next week or so changing to RA-Tech parts etc. Eventually I have it running more reliably after installing the M4 nozzle/bolt and a RA-Tech NPAS system as this seemed to fit flush with the other internal parts better than the stock MSK bolt/nozzle assembly! (Also i'm in dire need of magazines for this and i can't part with £60 per mag for something to take a week or so to arrive from america so if there's any going let me know!)

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We gbbrs are generally good with the exception of anything that takes an m4 style mag. i personally wouldn't touch their m4, scar L, 416, PDW or ACR (MSK).


Their g36c, scar H and mp5 are awesome.

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I had a G39 for a short while, never skirmed it outside. Which was a massive regret. Big problem is the size of the mags. Worked really well. 

Ive personally not seen nor herd good things about the MSK. As Wolf said,  their M4's require a bit of work to get running. How ever both myself and Wolf will 100% agree on saving up for a MWS. Worth every penny.

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Got 2 WE GBBR's , L85 which was bought for £30 as a project gun and a G36. Love them both, the noise and the kick are so much fun. Limited ammo just makes you play tactically, I treat them as DMRs . 

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The good news is I haven’t had a problem with the MSK after changing nozzle etc. (yet!) but the  TM MWS will defiantly be the next purchase I think & Agreed, I think GBBR’s in general are a different style of play, I loved the sound it made, especially in a CQB building enviro that is hands down better than AEG’s but the 30round gas mags will always be a pain, price you pay for the realism I spose! 

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GHK Master Race for AK variants.  Adore mine and its completely stock.

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  • 6 months later...

Chaps, for anyone who has this gun knows the hand-guard may look MLOK but it wont fit MLOK or standard rails and its a royal pain in the backside. WE make their own rails and they are available on KY airsoft but they're also about £30 +Shipping and they're not really what i'm after. Id like a rail that runs the length of the hand-guard instead of the 40/50mm ones they give ya in the box. I think the only solution is to have one 3D printed but does anyone know any UK based companies that will 3D print this? plastic 3D printing seems fine as they're only weaver rails. Cheers!

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  On 16/01/2020 at 09:04, RYoung22 said:

Chaps, for anyone who has this gun knows the hand-guard may look MLOK but it wont fit MLOK or standard rails and its a royal pain in the backside. WE make their own rails and they are available on KY airsoft but they're also about £30 +Shipping and they're not really what i'm after. Id like a rail that runs the length of the hand-guard instead of the 40/50mm ones they give ya in the box. I think the only solution is to have one 3D printed but does anyone know any UK based companies that will 3D print this? plastic 3D printing seems fine as they're only weaver rails. Cheers!


There are aftermarket picatinny rails I think by madbull but they're not cheap and add a lot of weight. I was looking at getting a genuine RS m lok rail for it when I was thinking about getting one but that's $200 before postage and getting fucked by customs. They do look the tits though. As for 3d printed rails if you look on AliExpress there are several sellers that sell 3d printed accessories for gel blasters and I have seen rail systems for the ACR on there. Probably would need some working to fit but by the sounds of it that sounds perfect for you

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  On 16/01/2020 at 12:07, PopRocket123 said:

There are aftermarket picatinny rails I think by madbull but they're not cheap and add a lot of weight. I was looking at getting a genuine RS m lok rail for it when I was thinking about getting one but that's $200 before postage and getting fucked by customs. They do look the tits though. As for 3d printed rails if you look on AliExpress there are several sellers that sell 3d printed accessories for gel blasters and I have seen rail systems for the ACR on there. Probably would need some working to fit but by the sounds of it that sounds perfect for you



Not a bad idea, i think most genuine handguards will fit on the MSK with some small mods but just had a look on AliExpress and i think there are a couple of bits on there with the right spacing to fit on the stock handguard, Cheers! ill get a few and see which ones fit best!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 27/01/2020 at 21:00, Tactics3D said:

I do printing, I just need a sketch and the colour of what you require and ill get it out to you.


Thanks bud, I probably should have updated this post after I found a fix for the problem but in the end I found 3 spare metal rails I had lying around and machined holes in rail to match the MSK hardguard & after countersinking the Holes I drilled it worked pretty well, but I’ll be in touch if I need anything printed in the future 😊 

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Tommycupra
  On 12/07/2019 at 14:52, Wo1f said:

We gbbrs are generally good with the exception of anything that takes an m4 style mag. i personally wouldn't touch their m4, scar L, 416, PDW or ACR (MSK).


Their g36c, scar H and mp5 are awesome.


I'm the complete opposite to you on this with the exception of the g36, I found the most reliable and best functioning WE gbbr I have owned both used the v2 m4 mags. .. At some point with the exception of a 416, I've owned them all including an MsK, Scar H, & L, p90 and mp5.. personaly the best one by far was the PDW v3 open bolt. As for the mp5 - whilst in the standard form they were OK along with the MsK they were both too sluggish in cold weather, both more so then any gbbr I've used, despite being run on nuprol 4, the Scar H was OK but along with the MsK quite bulky and impractical. The P90 was amazing but the magazines require constant maintance which is just a pain in the ass tbh.. but when they were not leaking the gun it self was fantastic its such a shame the magazine design was its biggest flaw. 


When it comes to WE guns I find standard is best, they may only last you 3000 to 10000 rds before requiring replacement but I always found they worked from the off. .. Ratech parts are so hit and miss especially when it comes to trigger components! I fitted them in my Scar L, and PDW and they worked ok with the exception of the odd double tap on semi, fitted them in my p90 with no issues what so ever, had non stop issues with them in the MsK and scar H. Their steel bolts and aluminium nozzles are also questionable as it was ok in the PDW but required modification in the scar l and H and then the aluminium npas nozzle for the scar H was the worst component I've ever seen (might as well of just burnt the money) . And the npas they make is just crap and inconsistent I've found this to be the case on pretty much any npas though so I always opted for the standard rocket valve with an LFS disc fitted in the end for reliability during actual games.

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