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Looking for a classic m16a1 or a2!!

Kit Jackson
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3 hours ago, Kit Jackson said:

I would like to buy a m16 close to Vietnam style or the a2 with the spherical hand grip instead of the triangular one. My budget is from £120-£140.


Best of luck at that price. I'm about £500 deep in my period-accurate M16A1 build. Once it's done it'll be full upgraded TM internals with a mix of TM and G&P external parts. 


Also: you might want to post in the Classified section under AEGs wanted - this is a discussion section rather than for buying and selling. 

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Look for golden eagle as well it’s another name for Jing Gong gun’s , I’ve jut found an A1 and an A2 for £129.99 from a uk retailer . 

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You mean this one?


Doesn't say if its metal or poly body


Looks good but doesn't have the right flash hider for an A1?

Could get one somewhere...


This is the one I got.  Its pushing the budget tho


£10 cheaper



Good budget (poly)  M4A1. Similar style to CAR-15 - XM177


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The JG/GE ones are polymer bodies but saying that I’ve got the GE A2 and it’s not ‘creaky’ or ‘wobbly’ at all , I’ve a couple of ancient metal bodied guns that rattle like a robot with Parkinson’s compared to it ! 😳

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