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Best Gbb pistol

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Right guys I'm looking for a new Gbb pistol something no more than £150 have been looking at we God of war pistol what's people's thoughts/reviews any input appreciated

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Define “best”


Do you want something tough and practical for skirmishing, fancy and loud for target shooting, or some other thing?


Decide that first.


Generally, TM make the most accurate and reliable pistols, but some people find the plastic slides fragile.


Being clumsy, I get swayed by AW as they are robust. My current favourite is the AW EMG SAI BLU lol

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I'd go for a WE or TM glock, or a TM high capa. Both have TONS of aftermarket support. One thing that my HK45 lacks.

I used to have a WE G34. Upgraded lots of bits and pieces a loved it until the slide locked stopped working due to it wearing out. Bear in mind this was over a year later of use!

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The best pistol is the one YOU love.
The one you reach for in preference to others.
This might change, it might stay the same.
For me, at the moment, nothing beats the Tokyo Marui HK45 - which is why I just bought a second one.
However, anything in the HK family is equally awesome imho - and cheaper, if you don't need the threaded outer barrel like on the HK45.
But love. Love is key to finding YOUR  perfect pistol.

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Only way is get to a shop and handle the different pistols find what feels the best in your hand ! A pistol you think looks great might feel horrid to your self 

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Where Glocks are concerned I prefer the WE offerings. They are well priced, look pretty good and have acceptable performance, which can easily be improved for not too much money. I wouldn't touch the Umarex things with a barge pole. And the TMs are great, but not reliable.


AW, the company lots of airsoft snobs won't touch, because they are improved WE pistols, which have decent build quality and performance, with spares widely available. I would buy one over any KWA, or VFC any day of the week.


Bu, tthe above comments apart, TM still make the best handguns. I am very happy with my M9A1 and Sig 226 E2. The HK45 is also worth a look. It is a handsome gun with great performance which is very popular.. 

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  On 26/04/2019 at 21:23, jay1988 said:

I run sniper so want something reliable as a secondary I have been looking also at the Aw glocks aswell 



MK23 then, simple and awesome (two big for my hands unfortunately)

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  On 26/04/2019 at 21:47, jay1988 said:

I have a asg one already however tends to double feed also would like something blow back aswell



Ive owned a lot of pistols


So far, my favourite by a long way is my Armorer Works BLU. Rugged and reliable. But I have just picked up a VFC M&P9 that I’m liking a lot as well

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  On 26/04/2019 at 21:23, jay1988 said:

I run sniper so want something reliable as a secondary I have been looking also at the Aw glocks aswell 


Well, I go back to my suggestion of the HK45.
Because it's awesome. Excellent range as standard, so your MED is well covered and comes with a decent suppressor. It's nowhere near as quiet as the mk23, but it's still excellent.
It's what I'm using as a sidearm for sniping now.
The mk23 is another good shout, especially when upgraded. It's uber quiet for one thing and with the TM suppressor, it's silent.
For any problems you have with your mk23, here's a really good resource:  https://www.onmymk.com/
As a possible alternate, I would suggest a WE Glock 18c, upgraded with a maple leaf hop chamber and Crazy Jet barrel - awesome range and full auto if you flick the happy switch.  But it's noisier than the HK45 by a way and noisier than the mk23 by a billion miles.
Like I said earlier in the thread - HK45's a winner 😉 

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