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Looking for a reliable gun.

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I'm looking for a reliable gas side arm for my load out. I need it to be two tone as I don't have a defence :/ i really like some of the 1911 gas blow backs but I'm open to others. Thanks in advance for any recommendations and advice!

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2 hours ago, E21A said:


Yea, let’s all buy the same gun! 😂


Tbf when the criteria is reliable 1911 style that doesnt look too bad in 2-tone the hicapa isnt a bad choice.

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6 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


Tbf when the criteria is reliable 1911 style that doesnt look too bad in 2-tone the hicapa isnt a bad choice.


Oh I agree it’s not a bad choice, but there seems to be a wave of “buy a TM” responses to threads like these, as if everything else is shit and TM is the only option. 


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9 minutes ago, E21A said:


Oh I agree it’s not a bad choice, but there seems to be a wave of “buy a TM” responses to threads like these, as if everything else is shit and TM is the only option. 



As much as i agree tm arent exclusively awesome, the hicapa is imo still the king of the 1911 style guns, especially for reliable performance with minimal teching.


Hell mine is of unknown age and provenance and yet still gets regularly employed when i fancy trolling the ssg fanboys.

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I ran a WE G34 for a year reliably. Few mods like stronger hammer spring. Upgraded hop unit, bucking and barrel. Shot lovely. But the slide catch notch on the slide itself wore out. And wouldnt lock back any more.

TM has a far better system that works every time. TM know what they are doing as many of us know. Thats why they are a go to brand for many people.

Personally. I loved my G34 until that happened. Replaced with my TM HK45. And I love it

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I run a WE G18 and 1943 spec 1911 and would happily recommend either . Both have been totally reliable and given me no issues at all. I may fit a maple leaf hop upgrade to the Glock next year as it gets the most use but it's never let me down.

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Without wanting to rile the 'there is more to Airsoft than TM' crowd...


...buy TM for gas pistols!


If you want a more military sidearm than the somewhat fancy pants Hi-Cappa, the P226E2 and M9A1 are sensational. Their Detonics .45 is also a lot of fun too.

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