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FTS/Flip Up magnifier lens protection

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Hi Guys,

I am sure many people have argued the various merits/lack of merits of magnification lenses before. Having made the decision that I want to get one more because I think it looks good than becuase it has much (if any) practical benefit, I've started wondering about protection (of the lens!).


I appreciate my 'gucci' look will be somewhat spoilt by the addition of a protection lens in front of the hollosight, but it seems a sensible if unsightly thing to do.


My concern is that while I can protect my hollow lens from that potentially damaging shot that hits it square on, I can only protect a flip up/Flip to side magnifier lens while it is set up behind the hollosight. 


As I will likely be 50/50 between the magnifier being behind the sight or flipped up/to the side in any given match, I really need to find a way to protect the lens of the magnifier while it's flipped up and away from the hollosight.


Taking the sight off is not an option. Putting the protective cap/lens cover that comes with the magnifier is also not an option. Nor is fitting any sort of cover/sock over the unit while in the 'up' position an option. 


I know screw on lens protectors exist for camera lenses. They are just plain glass so you have a cheap/disposable means of protection. But from what I can tell the magnifier lenses don't have this kind of attachment available to them. 


So my question is - how do people protect their magnifier lenses or is it just a case of hope it doesn't get damaged?


Many thanks, and Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night ;)

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Make one. 


O ring the same size as the “screen”, get a bit of plexiglass/ Perspex cut to the size of the “screen”, make it tight, then just push it in.


Jobs a good un.

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9 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


Of course, you meant to say polycarb / Lexan.  At the sherry early?

Meh, I use Perspex, got a job lot a few years back from a factory closing down, it’s 6mm clear, nout can damage that. 


Lexan is the stuff to use, but I’ll use this up first.


And yes a touch early, think I started the 12th Dec 1999?

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