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Tippmann Theft Alert

Ash @ Tippmann
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Sure, it's fun to kick ideas around, and we all want the same thing.


However, RIFs are not cars - that's an apples-to-hovercraft comparison.  There are no standards for marking, and even if there were, the number of crimes deterred by them would be negligible - I'd argue non-existent.


On the subject of hovercraft cars, there used to be a Vehicle Identity Check (VIC) scheme whereby written off and repaired cars wouldn't be issued with a new V5C until they'd been inspected to check the vehicle identity hadn't been transferred to a stolen vehicle.  After 12 years of costs and hassle to law abiding motorists, the scheme was finally scrapped, having identified a sum total of 40 dodgy vehicles out of the 916,000+ that were inspected at £41 a go.


That's why I'd suggest being careful, now, before putting an obligation on airsoft players to constantly prove our innocence.  Criminals don't give a stuff what the law-abiding are doing, and stolen goods tend to circulate around rapscallions and ne'er-do-wells without questions being asked.

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I agree, you could end up adding 25%+ on the cost of a RIF to deter something that doesn't happen that often.

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lol, apparently prison doesn't deter thieves, but a poorly thought out registration system will scare the shit out of them😝

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On 12/12/2018 at 22:59, Rogerborg said:

Only if the guns eventually make it to sites, which I'd imagine would happen at least two or three transactions away from the thieves.  The whole lot have probably been traded for a day's fix, then they'll be punted on by the fence or dealer as sweeteners to their under-age runners.  Most of them will languish in wardrobes, wrecked, or be chucked in a canal rather than sold on to anyone who'll have a clue what they really are.


^^This exactly.


Although my work is around financial crime investigation, the connection we see to the drug cultures is solid. This exactly has been the case in the past. I've see it first hand. If any are sold on, it will be from runners to their mates, they will unlikely ever end up in the airsoft world

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