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KSC/KWA M93R, what breaks?

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I've heard many times that these things are fragile, but i haven't been able to find any forum posts which detail what part/parts break or wear out. Does anyone own one & knows what it is that breaks? I have access to a machine shop at work and want to work out if the weak part can be easily machnined in stronger materials before i go ahead and buy one.



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I owned 2 of them, both at once even.


All in all i found the metal to be ok-ish but it still that pot metal, no CNC'd to be seen.


The hop up is a bit finnicky but having spoken to an experienced tech he said they are nice but more wall hangers than actual skirmish guns, hence the fragile part.


Also bare in mind these pistols need to use Japanese spec BBs such as here: https://www.evike.com/products/39535/


I tried using normal blasters but they kept jamming in the hop.

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Cheers bud, did yours end up breaking then? It's apparently something that stops either semi/burst o full breaking but i can't find out what part.

Didn't know about the BB thing but fortunately i've got about 80 thousand KSC 'perfect' BB's which mic up at 5.9mm which is pretty close to the one you linked.

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Most of the reports I've discovered (that show with wear and tear) are about weak sears, piss poor springs, fire selectors failing, cracked cylinder assemblies, hammer not positioning correctly on slide racking (due to a related part failing) , and using non OEM mags. 


I'm sure there may be more, but that's just 15 minutes of Google-Fu...

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Point of note, whilst the KSC M93R can fire full auto if you switch it between 3rd burst and semi, i believe that it wasnt designed to do this and so this could reduce the life span of your M93R

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Currently replacing worn/ broken parts on my KSC M93RII...


Here's the list;


-Broken locking block & pin


-Hop bucking, Cylinder & main piston seal (replacing due to servcing)


-Mag fill valve & mag base seal (leaking)


-Inner barrel guide pin (mashed up getting out)


Total including shipping is about £40 to give the pistol a new lease of life.


I think with any full auto pistol is just to keep it well cleaned & lubricated. Parts do fail with use. But I must say that the KSC/ KWA pistols are better made than WE as I've repaired alot if WE pistols.



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  On 27/11/2018 at 19:59, Chris_B said:

But I must say that the KSC/ KWA pistols are better made than WE



They certainly used to be, but i've been out of the game 10 years and it appears KSC no longer exist except as a brand name of another company (they used to manufacture their own stuff back in the day). Anyhow i've ordered a kwa version so we shall see, thanks for all the input.

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  On 29/11/2018 at 22:57, koppel said:


They certainly used to be, but i've been out of the game 10 years and it appears KSC no longer exist except as a brand name of another company (they used to manufacture their own stuff back in the day). Anyhow i've ordered a kwa version so we shall see, thanks for all the input.


Can’t remember which way around it was but they  both had the same parent company just one sold slightly cheaper lower spec guns . Seeing as it’s KSC that’s disappeared it must have been them that was the ‘poor relation’ .

  On 18/11/2018 at 16:01, Shizbazki said:

Also bare in mind these pistols need to use Japanese spec BBs such as here: https://www.evike.com/products/39535/

I tried using normal blasters but they kept jamming in the hop.


Strange this one , I had and a mate still has a KWA and I didn’t and I’m not aware of him ever having issues with the ammo we used . 

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Tother way round, KSC were the 'decent' guns made in Japan with full trades, better finishes and all plastic construction & KWA were Taiwan made in part metal, chinglish trades and sloppier tolerances (if my glocks were anything to go by). Neither were AMAZINGLY reliable but at the time Marui had 3 gbb's in their lineup and KSC had about 100, and Western Arms were seriously expensive (Started at about £180 in late 1990's money, so £250+ with inflation)

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  On 01/12/2018 at 14:10, koppel said:

Western Arms were seriously expensive (Started at about £180 in late 1990's money, so £250+ with inflation)


Funny you should mention Western arms , I’ve recently acquired one ! A mate who binned Airsoft a good 7-8yrs ago was having a final clear out and gave me an ‘Airsoft Armoury’  carrier bag full of the last of his stuff which included a WA SV infinity with a standard mag and the extended 50rd’er .

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