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Greetings from Malahide.ie

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Hi there, Will_D from Malahide in Co.Dublin.ie


Used to shoot full bore in North Mancheser till they took away my 1911 and Ar15 to name but two. Moved to Ireland in 1991


Recently discovered airsoft [http://www.mainirishairsoft.com] and bought a WE 1911 GBB - love it.


Now for a true story:


A few months ago in Dublin a Garda (police) armed response unit, while leaving its underground garage hit a speed bump and the boot popped open! if that was not bad enough out popped a loaded and locked HK MP7 A1. A passer buy picked it up and took it to the nearest police station. Given our gangland history in Dublin the mind boggles! 


4.8 mm penetrates body armour and kevlar helmets and thats before you load the AP version of ammo!!


A quick Google later and boy, did i NEED one of these. After a looong wait finally got the Umarex VWC MP7 A1 from the above company.


As I am far too old for skirmishing I am more interested in the technology and buying toys to upgrade it!


I will have some questions tomorrow!


Cheers for now 



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welcome Will, just so you know, your never too old to skirmish, half of us here are like peter pan, we're the boys who never grew up 😏

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6 minutes ago, Tackle said:

 just so you know, your never too old to skirmish, half of us here are like peter pan, we're the boys who never grew up 😏

This statement is so true.

I got my arse kicked in a Skirmish by a 96 year old looking like The End from MGS and then immediately run over cause he wanted to play with my Deagle.


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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).


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  • 2 years later...

Hi Will_D im also Dublin


Ah yeah i remember that story, but best one is the Door Falling off the New Air Corps Helicopters Twice.

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