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New skirmisher

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Hi, just a short intro.
I have been into airguns and airsoft for a while, mostly target shooting and garden plinking. I shoot sports rifle rim-fire competitions at a local rifle and pistol club.
A few months ago I discovered (by chance) that there was a skirmishing site near me, didn't know it was there. I have attended four walk on days and now have my UKARA number.
As I already have some two tone rifles, I am putting them to use but covering them with tape and using them for skirmishing. I also have a mixture of RIF and two-tone pistols, so these are also being used for skirmishing.
Being mid fifties I am (so far) managing to keep up when skirmishing but usually leave the running ahead to the younger ones :-)


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Welcome to the forum.




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Ahoy and welcome.  Good call on the G&G CM16.  That ASG M15 is peculiar - PatrolBase reckon it chronos at 354fps, i.e. over some site limits.  How hot is yours shooting?

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Thanks for the welcomes :-)
I have chronographed my ASG and its shooting 312 to 316 fps with a 1600 battery, so far I have used it at three skirmishes and its been chronographed by the site and been cleared for use every time.
It was bought secondhand a few years ago, as far as I know its not been modified or changed other than a battery upgrade from an 1100 to a 1600.

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  On 30/09/2018 at 06:26, Rogerborg said:

Ahoy and welcome.  Good call on the G&G CM16.  That ASG M15 is peculiar - PatrolBase reckon it chronos at 354fps, i.e. over some site limits.  How hot is yours shooting?


Mine shot 370 out of the box. Yeah, it’s that sorta gun.

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