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What route would you take?

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1 hour ago, Seven said:

the whole draw for running pistol as a primary is movement. I wont be in one place long enough for it to really matter


You going speedsoft on us, brah :(


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3 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


You going speedsoft on us, brah :(



haha, well we dont have any speedsoft sites so not really... if the situation presents itself though then i'll be there... in addition of course.


As for style of play, yes, i'll be mercurial in my movements, lol, someone's gotta help you hold up the ceiling!

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Had my first game with the gold match last night and I'm really happy with it. It performed great and I definitely prefer the pistol to the little Ares for cqb as I can get into positions that I couldn't with the Ares. I also found myself playing more aggressively as I can react faster if I need to.

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