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The 'What have you done' Thread

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Yesterday I took apart my as Val for the first time.

Much cursing and smacking of parts involved, and everything was new so stiff as anything.

Put in a pro win hop and madbull blue bucking, looking rather nice just no idea how the thing fires, got to find somewhere I can shoot with no one phoning the police.

On the downside the safety sticks, oh it works but doesn't move enough to disengage, but no Biggie I'll get kingdom of Airsoft to sort when the Titan gets fitted.

On the upside the gearbox is a total doddle to whip out, so easy shimming and aoe adjustment further down the line.


Fingers crossed she'll shoot like a laser on Sunday.

Taking apart a gun is easy when technically minded.

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yesterday i had a crack at r-hopping, although it's gonna be sunday before i can see the results, also fixed the fps on the m4 because it had somehow lost 0.8j without any apparent spring degradation, just popped in a spare spring i had and it's back on form.


this afternoon plan to re-jig my plate carrier a bit and see what i can do to make it a bit lower profile, i've enough frontal overhang as is :P

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A brag thread! A brag thread!


Eagle6 spring and Laylax bushings went into the CMYA CM.123 electro-pistol.  It's a bit of a struggle getting it back together with that spring quivering away.  Strong magnets stuck to the casing to hold the gears / anti reversal latch in place really help.  If I get anywhere near the indicated 80m / 260fps out of it, I'll be pleased.


1 hour ago, Huxley said:

Taking apart a gun is easy when technically minded.


InB4 "HALP Y IS MUH GUN NOT TO SHOT????" thread. :P


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Had to remove all the fill valves from my PTS gas mags before shipping. Unfortunately, that meant entirely disassembling all 9 magazines, except for the release valves. They don't make it easy...

Then they all went back together without the fill valves installed.


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well, my afternoon went pretty much as planned, big shoot so i'm wanting to make sure everythings ready to go, seems everythings holding gas just fine.


re-rigged the plate carrier to have all 6 mags going round rather than 2 stacks of 3 in front and added some extra grenade pouches for the 40 mikes.


tomorrow need to go stock up on ammo (yes muggins went and bought gas and new toys and didn't think to get them some food)

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Am a gun tech so my days go ... Normal day job then its either servicer/downgrade or upgrade depending on customer lol.... I have just finished HPA tapping my pdw mags for my own gun.... I sometimes go help in the shop when they short on a weekend .... I love the hobby tho... My wife... not so much lmao.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well today went well with the mk23.

All my hadron bits arrived, can't use the pm100 suppressor as it's in bits till I find some good foam for it.


But I did fit the fang plate and tdc mod, along with the 150mm crazy jet and autobot bucking.


This gun is amazing, shoots fast and like a laser I love it.


Also got two hi caps for the as val, and replaced the pro win crap with a lonex and flat hop, still yet to test it.

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