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Looking for a decent, beginner gun

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Have you played yet? Have UKARA registration etc? 


G&G CM16, it’s THE starter gun. A few different types to choose from. 


Also, don’t buy from places with BB in the name. 



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Don't buy from places called "BB" anything.


How many games have you played with rental guns? UKARA eligible yet? Or even more importantly, are you over 18?


For a starter gun I'd suggest a G&G brand. My first gun was a G&G R8L, that was good. I'd also recommend the CM16 Raider L - it's a very standard M4A1 based gun with a quad-rail picatinny handguard so you can add a torch, vertical grip or whatever depending on how you like it. at £120-140, it's the gun to start with.




As for store recommendations, I heartily recommend Crawley Surplus or FireSupport, also many people have had good experiences with Patrol Base and Land Warrior.

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I guess +2 to the above.  There's a reason that the G&G CM16 Raider is regularly recommended, they are very nice for the price.


However, my CYMA M4 was surprisingly usable until I over-optimised it.  If you've got a CYMA sized budget, then you can start airsofting with one.


NOT THAT ONE THOUGH! First, any "BB" site is a no-no.  Second,  that comes with CYMA's stock "M120 spring", which will put it way over the power limit for auto guns at most UK sites, and legally speaking makes it a firearm rather than an airsoft gun.  They should not be selling that in the UK, which is a great example of why to avoid the "BB" sites.


If you want a CYMA, then I'd start looking here:




Filter by in-stock and (I suspect) "No defence" to get the two-tones.


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On 04/08/2018 at 16:51, E21A said:

Have you played yet? Have UKARA registration etc? 


G&G CM16, it’s THE starter gun. A few different types to choose from. 


Also, don’t buy from places with BB in the name. 





I've had my G&G CM16 from the start and I have never had a problem with it.


Cheap, reliable and you can customise the balls out it it!

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Welcome :).  As we advise all newcomers to the hobby, read the pinned (sticky) posts in each section.




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I have had good service from Fire Support.


I have also bought from Surplus Stores.  Good backup. Their prices aren't exactly the best though.


If you decide on a Combat Machine Raider, ROE Airsoft were doing them for a mere 99.99 recently. Everywhere else they are £130-140.


Just checked and they are still the same price. That is a great deal. And they are good guns.


If I had a spare ton I would get one myself.

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£100 for that CQB version is genuinely tempting, even though I'm fine for AEGs.  Quick, everyone buy them out so that I don't sink another ton that I don't need to spend.

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