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AEG not shooting straight (At 5m)

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I'm gonna keep this short and sweet.


Haven't used me AEG in 7 months due to priorities, no problem with the gun prior to stopping playing after 5 months continuous use.


I have game coming up and it's not shooting straight at a distance of 5M, I have a NUPROL tracer suppressor attached and my hop up previously had been brilliant with no issues.


Been in the cupboard for 7 months, used occasionally. 


Please advise, thank you all!




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There is a spring in most of my suppressors to hold the rolled up foam in place, take the suppresor off and check if it has been dislodged.



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um... if it's not shooting straight at FIVE METRES, then there some serious obstruction or gearbox problem. On the top of my head, it could be:

  • Dirty barrel - Clean it
  • Hop is mashed - Replace it
  • Issue with piston not expelling air properly - Tech work
  • BB not feeding or sitting in the right place - Tech work

Check for those.

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