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Airsoft newbie saying hi!

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Hey all,


Just joined the forum after having a good lurk and reading plenty of interesting threads.


Some family members have recently got into Airsoft, and after having a go on their AEG’s, I’m obsessed with the idea. First game should be next week; there’s a cheap CYMA MP5 from my old

man I can borrow for three games, then, should I still be obsessed and eager, I’ll be purchasing my own RIF.


Having been involved in air rifle, fishing and various other forums, I know the knowledge of these places is normally invaluable for advice and tips. I think I have a problem with expensive hobbies and shiny new toys, so what’s one more! 


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Welcome to the forum.


Yes it is an expensive hobby!




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  • Head Moderator

Welcome :).  There is some knowledge here, worth the effort to use the search tool, 3 character minimum length. Worth the effort to do some research or ask questions before buying.

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  On 27/06/2018 at 21:04, Jedi_Master said:

Welcome :).  There is some knowledge here, worth the effort to use the search tool, 3 character minimum length. Worth the effort to do some research or ask questions before buying.



I’ve done that ALOT. All sorts of topics, subjects, whether that be learning the lingo or double-checking stuff. I’ve got a

good idea of what I’ll be picking up to be fair, though I’ve already noticed it’s very easy to get distracted by shiny things. 


  On 27/06/2018 at 19:16, Rogerborg said:

Yes, that free loan gun is going to end up costing you loads. ;)


Where will you be playing?



I’ve got a couple of places near me around Leicestershire, but I think I’ll be heading for a nearby CQB site, so fewer variables to worry about (weather, range of engagement etc). A cheap, borrowed MP5 will do me just fine to get a few games under my belt in that environment. 


Cheers for the welcome guys.

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