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Need an opinion on an update I'm making to my loadout.

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When I play Airsoft, British MTP (Multicam) is my main uniform pattern with the exception being my chest rig which is British DPM.


I already own a fair bit of DPM/DDPM kit but I want to expand my arsenal of kit in that area.


Tomorrow I'm going out to look at DDPM shirts for MilSim, but which would go better with a chest rig? DDPM UBAC or 95 Pattern Shirt?

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DPM NI patrol rigs are different era to both the ubacs and DDPM so which ever floats ya boat really . 

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You can get DPM UBACs, but they aren't genuine British Army issue.  As Druid said, different era.  If you want realism, then it will be the shirt/light jacket you will need to get.

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2 minutes ago, MisterG said:

You can get DPM UBACs, but they aren't genuine British Army issue.  As Druid said, different era.  If you want realism, then it will be the shirt/light jacket you will need to get.

I don't think I made it clear that I wanted to re-create an early 2000's light infantry British loadout, not a like a Falklands or NI loadout.



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Yes, so for realism for that era you need the DPM shirt/light jacket.  UBACs came later AFAIK.  MTP came in around 2010, UBACs around then too.


95 Pattern is still a variant of DPM.






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3 minutes ago, MisterG said:

MTP came in around 2010, UBACs around then too.

Yeah, MTP came in 2012 officially. Maybe I'm confusing myself about the UBAC thing, I've seen DDPM UBAC's but they're probably not issue then.

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Well DDPM and 95 pattern are completely different colours. One's tan, the other is woodland.


It's not uncommon to see desert/tan setups (both airsoft and real life) that have green/woodland-ish trimmings (chest rigs, yokes, vests etc) but in terms of unity, the 95 pattern would complete the setup

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95 pattern is just the cut of the uniform, there’s 95 pattern kit in desert colours and even MTP. 


UBACS were produced in desert DPM but never in standard DPM. 


UBACS btw stands for Under Body Armour Combat Shirt, the S isn’t pluralisation. 

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Also the NI I mentioned is the name of your chest rig (it’s full issue name is a Northen Ireland patrol load bareing chest harness) not the era I was inferring it should be used in . 👍

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There were small batches of temperate DPM CS95 cut UBACS, I've got one with the green t-shirt torso and I've seen pictures with the later brown t-shirt in the middle and the little flags pre-stitched on the left arm pocket, like the upper left arm of CS95 shirts used to have.


Anyway with a chest rig I'd go regular shirt over combat shirt personally for a weekender just from a looks perspective to be honest,  but in reallllllly hot weather the UBACS will be more comfortable no doubt.

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