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  On 15/06/2018 at 20:21, proffrink said:

Anyone play DCS? Looking to pick up the AV-8B in the summer sale and do some co-op.


I used to until 2.5 released. Now I can't even load into multiplayer and performance is garbage even on low.. 


Rolled back 1.5.8 and I'm up at the 80-140fps on medium-high. No more flying with friends though :(


Oh and the devs increased the prices of the modules by up to 100% right before the steam summer sale so they get a big 'fuck you' from me. 



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  On 15/06/2018 at 20:35, proffrink said:

I thought most people were claiming the opposite performance-wise?



I went on the forums and loads of other people are experiencing the same thing on much better specs than my old rig. Can't speak for others but 2.5 has killed my performance. 

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  • 2 years later...

I've picked up DCS since start of lockdown. Got bored of Arma 3 and decided to dive in to DCS after having owned the F14 and F15 modules for at least a year without playing them. Already bought the F16 too. Still a relative noob to it all but loving it!




Looks incredible on higher graphics settings and would recommend to anyone who likes flight sims/aviation

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I went the other way and got X-plane 11.

With the high res Europe mesh pack installed it's superb. I've been flying ultralights and small planes in and about the places I've lived. Whilst it doesn't render everything perfectly, it does do a very good job of road layouts. Meaning it's more than possible to navigate by road.

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  • 1 year later...

I just got into DCS, flying on the Engima Cold War server, callsign Evil 1-1 if anyone is around.  Brilliant server

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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