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New Bike soon....

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Time for my next update I think...


Deposit paid - here she is! Just the gun-box to be added and fresh MOT to be put on her.

Should be with me in about a week or so...






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  • 2 weeks later...

The new toy arrived on Thursday.


Got her taxed and insured and took her out for a little test ride today.

What a bike! So much fun to ride... It's going to take some getting used to, purely because people keep staring at it...



@Arwen joined me on her F700GS.


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Ahh the GS hate.... Everyone likes different things, nothing new there. 

However if you are after a bike that feels in perfect balance and can do it all without a fuss. Not much beats a GS in my opinion! 


It was a very enjoyable day out in the sun 😍


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Well as nice as they look together I would prefer the harley any day but I guess that's my biased opinion as I own a sportster and a Dyna. 


Also something seems so wrong to me seeing and American made bike in nato green next to a German machine. 

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