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Postage tips and courier to Belfast

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Echo the above. There was a thread about this maybe 1 or 2 weeks ago... Don't know the out come of that.. wasn't it @emilianoksa ? Anyway, do the above, if it's gas expel the gas and take off the valves. If it's AEG no worries re the gas but I always disconnect the battery as well... 


In terms of declare it properly, it should be declared as

Low powered air weapon

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11 hours ago, Robert James said:

If it's AEG no worries re the gas but I always disconnect the battery as well... 

 Don’t send batteries in the gun or the parcel , there prohibited . Screen grab PF general restrictions.



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On 23/05/2018 at 10:09, Druid799 said:

 Don’t send batteries in the gun or the parcel , there prohibited . Screen grab PF general restrictions.



Quite right.


The one time I've sent batteries they said they will put a battery sticker on the parcel 

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