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Do you know of any cqb airsoft sites near maidstone, Kent?

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There are a few on here, but not CBQ near Maidstone.


www.airsofteventsuk.info .


Closest looks like https://acecombat.co.uk/


Croydon may also be an option for you, depending where exactly you are in Kent.


If you do find one, get it added to the map.





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1 hour ago, callum1720 said:

how do you add sites to the map?



Click on the contact link at the top right, and send in the details to the email address listed.


Even if you just post on the forum, it will probably get picked up as the site's creator is a member of the forum.



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Found a decent looking one in kent ages ago, cant remember the name of it but it was almost a 2hr drive from north london for me so a little out of my range for a skirmish.

Will have a look tomorrow to see if I can find it for you.

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www.invictabattlefield.co.uk    www.darkwaterairsoft.co.uk

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Try the search tool, it has a 3 character minimum length, and read through any results. A search term “Kent” would be a good place to start.

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