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Thigh rig with Y harness?

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My One Tigris thigh rig has two straps but you can remove both if you so wish.


What't do you need the Y harness for? They're commonly used on dog leashes if I'm not mistaken!?

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Just now, sonofsammo said:


Don't really see the need for two at the top, one is more than sufficient unless you're engaging in gymnastics whilst skirmishing. Those straps look removable so you could just get that and remove one.

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you don't really need 2 at the top, i have a viper molle drop leg and nuprol holster drop leg and both have the top strap removed.


never really had any issues with stability.

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You don't need two at the top but it does help with stability IF it's setup right. 

As far as the two leg straps go, take the top one out, adjust the belt straps so the holster sits on your hip not your thigh and do the leg strap up TIGHT and you'll be fine. 


Most stability issues with dropleg holsters come from them being worn too low and too loose. 

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