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This is a VFC Glock 17 for just under 110 quid:




And I've seen one for about a hundred somewhere else. Neither of them were in stock though.


The Umarex VFC goes for about 160.


I wonder if these are the same guns, or if the new Umarex VFC has been redesigned.


I've heard that the WE Glock is one of their better pistols. How many of you would settle for one and save  60 quid over the Umarex?

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I've always been happy with WE glocks (only my 3rd now).


Perform well, take the same upgrade parts as TM for the most part and are plenty customisable.


If you get one, the first thing to consider would be an upgraded maple leaf barrel/hop/rubber - they're £40 from milspec and transform the gun.

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IIRC the Umarex, OEM by VFC, is the new and only officially licensed one by Glock, hence the increased price.


I would personally suggest a TM or WE G17 - the aftermarket support is vast and plentiful. Lean more towards WE if you plan on using CO2 mags and want a metal slide. I believe the WE G17 is slightly thicker than TM, so keep that in mind as it may be a very tight fit in some holsters, as I experienced with my WE G17.


You won't go wrong with either VFC, TM or WE though. Really just depends what qualities you are looking for (officially licensed, insanely well built or more budget friendly and CO2 compatible).

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Thanks for the replies.


I'm not bothered about trades. I certainly wouldn't pay 60 quid for them. I'm not particularly fond of the Umarex company anyway.


Looks like it will be either WE or KWC (didn't know they did one).


And thanks again  to L3wisD  for the heads up on the cloverleaf barrel bushing and hop up option. I've heard that the blowback unit and nozzle on WE have a tendency not to last well.

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