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Tm 416D vs 416

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I’m struggling to find the £100 difference between the two. I’m thinking about making a black ‘delta’ and was going to use one of these as a base. Besides the rails and silencer that are all going to be replaced anyway... what’s the difference? 

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TM make three 416 versions.  416D (Delta), 416C (compact sliding stock), and 416 Devgru.  Cheaper to buy the Devgru than getting the Delta and buying the suppressor and foregrip separately. 


The Custom one is tan so does not count.

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I hate sprayed guns. They eventually scratch and then look sh*t. I could cerakote the whole thing, but that would cost more than the parts in black. Cheapest way seems to be the 416D and buy the rails and stock. 


Thanks guys

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