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MK5 Flashbang carrying ideas

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17 minutes ago, Gazmeister said:

me again.... just a quickie... am looking for ideas/best way to carry a number of (say up to 10) MK5 flashbangs for quick access..? anyone have a particular way that they've found to be best?




Standard long slim Mk5s can be carried just slotted into MOLLE weave if wearing a vest, then for lots I’d use a general purpose MOLLE pouch 

I’ve used a British Army old style notebook cover/pouch which I had sewn MOLLE straps to the back of (Originally I had set it up with Paintball 10 round tubes and 12gram co2 bulbs for pistol play 


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Molle for me. I usually have m4 pouches on the bottom, pistol pouches on my top right and space on my top left for a few mk4/5

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42 minutes ago, Wo1f said:

Molle for me. I usually have m4 pouches on the bottom, pistol pouches on my top right and space on my top left for a few mk4/5

I actually think sticking them through the molle is one of the worst ideas. I reguarly see people going to strike them only to find the striker is shot off.

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You can rectify that by not getting shot ;D 


In all seriousness.. it’s never happened to me and I’ve never seen it. But I have had wet strikers playing outside. I always keep a dry striker and an arc lighter in a pocket somewhere if the need arises

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1 hour ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

I actually think sticking them through the molle is one of the worst ideas. I reguarly see people going to strike them only to find the striker is shot off.


True - but  the bit I omitted to mention - the striker cap also fitted on my belt, or the lighter in my pocket


A few years back people were selling rail mount strikers, the top was a rail riser and the side had a striker pad.

Unfortunately a very nieche item

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20 hours ago, Tommikka said:


True - but  the bit I omitted to mention - the striker cap also fitted on my belt, or the lighter in my pocket


A few years back people were selling rail mount strikers, the top was a rail riser and the side had a striker pad.

Unfortunately a very nieche item

mate, I like the sound of that... did you get one?

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1 hour ago, Gazmeister said:

Am interested mate.

If you look up ‘UKScenario.com’ on Facebook that’s the FB Page from the old forum of the good old days


‘Alex Carney’ on there is the guy that I’ve tracked down who had made the tactical strikers and dog tag strikers 




Contact him and he should manage to sort something 


(The ghetto way is to keep hold of an old striker and/or carry a lighter for emergencies, but he made a more reliable & better looking system!)


Ring pulls of course trump strikers but they either cost more or aren’t practical for things like a Mk5! 

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