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Holographic style red dot advice

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im looking for a holographic style red dot sight for my M4 gbb, any recommendations? Don't want to spend a fortune, less than £40 ideally 


I've seen a mini diva 551 on Amazon for £28, anyone have any experience with it? 




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I've seen reflex sights go on eBay for under £5 and they've worked just as well as any of the other replica sights I own such as the 551. I've been playing with the same ones for over 2 years now and none have ever broke on me. 


Then again I only own AEGs, so I can't comment on how well they perform on GBBRs. 


At the end of the day you get what you pay for. These optics aren't built to the same standards as real steel and I wouldn't be surprised if it craps out on you 6-12 months down the line. A lot of the cheaper ones are just rebrands made in China, so chances are this is exactly the same as all the other 551 replicas on the market. 


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ppt-outdoor or DHgate are the cheapest places for optics, but you can easily pickup any Chinese clone on eBay second hand for your price.


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1 hour ago, rocketdogbert said:

ppt-outdoor or DHgate are the cheapest places for optics, but you can easily pickup any Chinese clone on eBay second hand for your price.



Have you bought optics from there? Do they come with batteries? Is so they are bloody cheap! :)

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I've bought Trijicon MRO clones off dhgate.com and there's been a battery in the box.

Good little sights by the way...

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15 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

Be careful with really cheap red dots on a gbb as the recoil ruins most of them.

You are better off spending a bit more and getting one of the cheap red dots made for real guns.


That's what I was thinking. Although even a cheap real steel optic is significantly more than £40. 

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I've got two. One that randomly turns itself off, usually at just the wrong moment. And the other one changes colour when you use full auto. They sit in a drawer...

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