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New player, would like help

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Hi, this is my first post on the forum so I hope I'm doing everything right.

A friend of mine recently took me to an airsoft skirmish which I enjoyed. Since then, I've wanted to start the hobby properly as renting at my local place is expensive. Does anyone have any recommendations on AEGs with full auto? Preferably with high mag cap as I am a bit.... Trigger happy to say the least. Can you tell me where to get that gun for the cheapest price.


Regarding the law on black guns, can't get a UKACA as I'm under 18 (although my friend says he will buy the guns on my behalf). Also, can I just buy a two tone and spray it black legally?


Sorry, I know I'm asking a lot but I want to start right.


Many thanks

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The questions you've asked have been asked a thousand times before, airsofters are generally a friendly bunch but spoon feeding info that easily available through simple searches gets people's backs up, especially when one of your questions is regarding breaking the law.

use the search function, you'll find what you need.

Oh, & welcome :)


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Welcome Pyro :D
I won't talk about the searching stuff, but I'm glad you enjoyed your first skirmish and I think everyone here hopes you stick with it as it's a really great hobby!

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Welcome :).  Read all the pinned (sticky) posts in each section, lots of useful advice and knowledge for new starters.


Because you are under 18 it is illegal for you to purchase an imitation firearm (IF) two-tone gun or a realistic imitation firearm (RIF), and illegal for anyone to sell you either one.  You can be gifted an IF or RIF but no money can be given in exchange for it, i.e. a xmas present from a parent.  A friend buying guns on your behalf if receiving money from you is also breaking the law.  You have no defence to spay a two-tone gun black or any colour to make it realistic.

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Welcome! :) Glad you had a good time.


I would write a couple sentences with a few pointers but even I get bored of repeating the same thing on an almost daily basis. There's a ton of useful info on here. All you need to do is search! ;)



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  On 18/12/2017 at 21:08, Jedi_Master said:

Welcome :).  Read all the pinned (sticky) posts in each section, lots of useful advice and knowledge for new starters.


Because you are under 18 it is illegal for you to purchase an imitation firearm (IF) two-tone gun or a realistic imitation firearm (RIF), and illegal for anyone to sell you either one.  You can be gifted an IF or RIF but no money can be given in exchange for it, i.e. a xmas present from a parent.  A friend buying guns on your behalf if receiving money from you is also breaking the law.  You have no defence to spay a two-tone gun black or any colour to make it realistic.



Ooooh that sounds painful :lol::lol::lol:


  On 18/12/2017 at 21:53, Gepard said:

Welcome! :) Glad you had a good time.


I would write a couple sentences with a few pointers but even I get bored of repeating the same thing on an almost daily basis. There's a ton of useful info on here. All you need to do is search! ;)





agree so i quoted you :)


spend some time reading the 'stickied' posts, all will be revealed


laws are there for a reason, we dont all like them, especially if under 18 but thats how it is to help regulate and protect this sport :)

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  On 19/12/2017 at 13:23, djben9 said:


Ooooh that sounds painful :lol::lol::lol:




Yes, without anesthetic it would be. :blink:  

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