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Special Forces Game

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This is probably in the wrong place, but I've had (what I think) is a great idea for a TV game show.

Countries pit their special forces units against each other in simulated combat scenarios, with the development of "Simunition" (http://simunition.com/en/) this would be awesome, and we'd get a great look at real world setups equipment and tactics!!

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5 minutes ago, Lozart said:

This was similar and better http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1469154/?ref_=nm_knf_t2 (think it's still on Netflix)

Yes, I watched this one. That was how I found out about the existence of Simunition.

Loved it, but far too short.

But, imagine "Special Ops Mission" but actually carried out as (for example) Delta's Vs. RM Commando's, or Navy SEALS vs. SAS etc. etc.

It would be amazing!!!

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27 minutes ago, Samurai said:

Probably those guys' lives are not centred on reality TV shows.

Well, yes, I would rather imagine you're right, and that's probably why the show doesn't exist as I'm sure that some TV exec somewhere has put the idea out there before.


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On a televised game show format there isn’t much call for it.


There have been ‘combat’ game shows using Paintball, two key ones being ‘mission Paintball’ and ‘x-fire’


Mission Paintball was by L!ve TV / Bravo and featuring the ‘punter’ style of Paintball and giving a fairly accurate portrait of what people

experience when turning up, using a mix of body cams and mobile cameramen

(Even featuring an international tournament at Crystal Palace in the finale) it was a budget / late night / cable channel.  The owner of which would always say he doesn’t need to pay for presenters and camera crews to go out again followed by lots of editing because he could just repeat it every now and then




X-fire was a heavily scripted game show with competitors vs ‘grunts’ and ‘bosses’

The grunts would hold back the players just a bit before ‘dieing’, quite often it was clear that the grunts randomly died because the players weren’t progressing with the script 

Due to the scripting it was better at televising what was going on by focusing the storyline 

This was a series of themed scenarios 

There was supposed to be a second series, but it got cancelled  

(depending on what viewing of series one you saw as it was split in half as two series

instead of one due to timing and world events in 2001) 



Then there are many programmes such as ‘SAS are you tough enough’, ‘top shot’ and an abundance of American shows to fill their cable channels




For a tv company its hard to draw the attention of the viewer and ensure the action is featured, complete with the high expense in time of camera crews and editing




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14 hours ago, Tommikka said:



Mission Paintball was by L!ve TV / Bravo and featuring the ‘punter’ style of Paintball and giving a fairly accurate portrait of what people

experience when turning up, using a mix of body cams and mobile cameramen

(Even featuring an international tournament at Crystal Palace in the finale) it was a budget / late night / cable channel.  The owner of which would always say he doesn’t need to pay for presenters and camera crews to go out again followed by lots of editing because he could just repeat it every now and then






God, that was awful. But it did have Emily Booth and her amazing performing cleavage! We turned it into a drinking game - take a drink every time you spot a player looking down her top, chug like your life depends on it when she catches them doing it!

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